Po Bronson |
Award-winning science journalists Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman demonstrate that many of modern society's strategies for nurturing children are in fact backfiring--because key twists in the science … |
OL15838784W |
Becoming parents
Richard Alexander,Judith A. Feeney,Lydia Hohaus,Richard P. Alexander,Patricia Noller |
"Becoming Parents presents a study of the transition to parenthood and its effects on individual well-being and couple relationships. It tracks the experiences of couples becoming parents for the fir… |
OL17759268W |
The critical role of parenting in human development
Marianna S. Klebanov |
"This thorough and multidisciplinary overview of childrearing illustrates and stands on two foundational principles: that the importance of parenting is immense, and that it is undervalued. The Criti… |
OL19987550W |
Handboek mindful ouderschap
Myla Kabat-Zinn |
Opvoeden uitgaande van de zelfbeschikking van het kind en de waarde van wezenlijk contact. |
OL24990387W |
Celia Ledoux |
Ervaringen en gevoelens van de schrijfster tijdens haar zwangerschap, de bevalling, de kraamtijd en de periode vlak erna. |
OL26189007W |