Ricitos de oro
Barrie Wade |
Lost in the woods, a tired and hungry girl finds the house of the three bears in the woods and helps herself to their belongings.
Una niña traviesa entra en la casa de la familia oso sin ser invitad… |
OL19710168W |
Bears Make Dens
Elizabeth Raum,Romina Martí |
"La mamá oso negro cava una guarida para el invierno y dentro de ella trae al mundo a sus crías. Esta obra documental ilustrada incluye un mapa de distribución y una actividad práctica "Construye com… |
OL19752923W |
Goldilocks and the three bears =
Teresa Mlawer |
Lost in the woods, a tired and hungry girl finds the house of the three bears where she helps herself to food and goes to sleep. |
OL19991105W |
Baby Bear's surprise
Cyndy Szekeres |
Baby Bear watches everyone racing off to somewhere and then discovers it's a surprise for him. On board pages. |
OL2049326W |
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Jeanne Willis,Tony Ross |
Retells the traditional tale with modern touches, such as a television in the bears' home and jeans on Goldilocks. |
OL21131908W |
Jasmine Jones |
"La princesa Mérida y su madre, la Reina Elinor, no pueden ni mirarse, es tal la tensión entre ellas. Sin embargo, cuando Mérida usa magia para cambiar el modo de pensar de la reina, desata una vieja… |
OL24176807W |
Amadeus duerme fuera de casa
Eli Aleksandersen Cantillon |
Amadeus se va a quedar a dormir en la casa de los abuelos por primera vez. Con su osito polar de peluche puede dormir tranquilo.
The polar bear Amadeus goes to spend the night at his grandparents' h… |
OL24247753W |
Little Bear's Visit
Maurice Sendak,Else Holmelund Minarik |
(Age 4-8) (Preschool to Gr 3) **Little Bear enjoys his visits with his Grandmother and Grandfather Bear. He likes Grandfather’s hat and Grandmother’s cooking. But most of all, he loves to listen to t… |
OL2568814W |
Noche encantada
Paula Vera |
A la hora de dormir, el osito Bimbo y su hermana Bela visitan "el país de las estrellas."
At bedtime the little bear Bimbo and his sister Bela visit the land of the stars. |
OL27310488W |
La colcha de retazos
Kristin Avery,Alma Flor Ada |
When Tanya's mother shows her a quilt made from favorite clothes, Tanya decides to collect things from each member of her family to make her own quilt. |
OL27707651W |
Bear takes a trip
Stella Blackstone |
Encourages the reader to practice telling time as Bear packs a suitcase, meets a friend, and travels to the mountain lake where they both have cabins. |
OL28606254W |
Yo te curaré, dijo el pequeño oso
Janosch |
"El pequeño tigre ha salido del bosque cojeando. Su amigo, el pequeño oso, se lo lleva a casa para curarlo. Le pone vendas por todo el cuerpo, menos en la cabeza, por si el tigre tiene que toser ... … |
OL28943708W |
David McPhail |
When the fix-it man is trying to repair the television and her parents are trying to entertain her, Emma becomes so interested in reading, she no longer cares about TV.
Mientras Sr. Arreglalotodo in… |
OL28967006W |
Solo en el bosque
Ian Beck |
En este libro ilustrado para niños, Osito es llevado por casualidad por un papalote y se cae en un bosque. Allí encuentra a muchos otros ositos y hacen una fiesta muy bonita. |
OL29232320W |
Little Bear's Friend
Maurice Sendak,Else Holmelund Minarik |
One summer Little Bear makes friends with Emily and her doll Lucy. |
OL4108926W |
Father Bear comes home
Maurice Sendak,Else Holmelund Minarik |
Describes the adventures of Little Bear in which he goes fishing, has the hiccups, looks for a mermaid, and welcomes Father Bear home from the sea. |
OL4108928W |
Ernest et Célestine au cirque
Gabrielle Vincent |
Ernest and Celestine go to the circus where Ernest was once a clown and take part in the show. |
OL50175W |
No, no, and no! =
Esther Sarfatti,Mireille Allance,Paula Vicens,Mireille d' Allancé |
When little bear Octavio goes to school for the first time, the only thing he says all day is "no." |
OL523083W |
Wolf Brother
Michelle Paver,Patricia Anton De Vez Ayala-Duarte |
This exciting fast-paced novel is an engaging depiction of a young boy's life during Neolithic times. This fictional account includes details based on archeological evidence of tool use, clothing, a… |
OL5708851W |
Bears =
Natashya Wilson |
Provides an easy-to-read introduction to the life of bears and their habitat. |
OL5824200W |