The Optimist
Laurence Shorter |
When it comes to bad news, we’ve never had it so good. Laurence Shorter is feeling anxious. Every time he turns on the radio or opens a newspaper he finds another reason to be tearful. It’s time to m… |
OL14954310W |
The optimism bias
Tali Sharot |
"How does the brain generate hope? How does it trick us into moving forward? What happens when it fails? How do the brains of optimists differ from those of pessimists? ... Humans do not hold a posit… |
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Barbara Ehrenreich |
A sharp-witted knockdown of America's love affair with positive thinking and an urgent call for a new commitment to realism, existential clarity and courage. "Confronts the false promises of positive… |
OL17728163W |
Je suis optimiste
Nicole Lebel |
Ce titre s'insère dans une série de petites plaquettes de gai savoir mettant en scène les aventures édifiantes des jumeaux Phil et Sophie qui, du haut de leurs quatre ou cinq ans, donnent aux lecteur… |
OL24274353W |
Margot et la nouvelle élève
Dave Whamond |
Margot, une fillette attachante, originale, positive et créative, trouve toujours le moyen de s'amuser. Or, l'attitude autoritaire et fabulatrice de Florence, sa nouvelle camarade de classe, l'agace … |
OL24284656W |
Dukhāṃ nūṃ sukhāṃ wicca kiweṃ badalīe?
Yasha Pāla Mānawī |
Articles on the importance of positive attitude in human life. |
OL27956943W |
Instant manifestation
Joe Vitale |
"Learn the real secret to making the Law of Attraction work for you better and faster than ever, revealed by one of the acknowledged experts on the subject."--Publisher's website. |
OL28168691W |