Compact cities
Rod Burgess,M. Jenks |
This new book examines and evaluates the merits and defects of compact city approaches in the context of developing countries. Issues of theory, policy and practice relating to sustainability of urba… |
OL19123058W |
Social responsibility in the global market
Mary Ann Littrell |
"Social Responsibility in the Global Market illuminates an alternative way of conducting business that bridges the consumer's social concerns and the producer's financial concern through a compatible… |
OL20544654W |
Klein geld
Jurriaan Kamp |
Beschrijving van een methode voor ontwikkelingshulp en armoedebestrijding, waarbij beginnende kleine ondernemers kleine geldbedragen kunnen lenen om een eigen zaak te beginnen. |
OL26377368W |
Awakening Hippocrates
Edward O'Neil |
"A comprehensive overview of the current state of world poverty and health, directed to the health care provider interested in volunteering abroad"--Provided by publisher. |
OL5838112W |
Mountains Beyond Mountains
Tracy Kidder |
At the center of Mountains Beyond Mountains stands Paul Farmer. Doctor, Harvard professor, renowned infectious-disease specialist, anthropologist, the recipient of a MacArthur "genius" grant, world-c… |
OL98216W |