Personal Finance For Seniors For Dummies
Eric Tyson |
The fast and easy way for Baby Boomers to protect their financial future. Are you nearing (or already basking in) retirement? This helpful guide addresses the unique financial opportunities and chall… |
OL16968714W |
Health in aging
Russell A. Ward,Sheldon S. Tobin |
xiv, 301 pages : 24 cm |
OL19194023W |
Older adult friendship
Rebecca G. Adams,Rosemary Blieszner |
"This volume brings together the research and theory on friendship that has developed over the last two decades. Each chapter reviews, summarizes, integrates and elaborates on a specific aspect of th… |
OL20596962W |
Contesting aging & loss
Janice Elizabeth Graham,Peter H. Stephenson |
"Disease and death are a part of life, but so too is being well. The lively voices found in this book are not shy about stating the ways in which the widely held notion that they are in decline has b… |
OL20775405W |
Social World of Older People
Christina Victor,Sacha Scambler,Ann Bowling,John Bond |
Providing an account of loneliness and social isolation as experienced by older people living in Britain, this book considers the incidence and effects of isolation and loneliness, identifying the fa… |
OL20999035W |
Over the next hill
Dorothy Ayers Counts |
"Living either full or part time in a recreational vehicle has been an alternative lifestyle in North America since the 1920s. By the 1930s Wally Byam's Airstream company could not keep up with the d… |
OL2851034W |
Adult Development and Aging
Susan Krauss Whitbourne |
"The Fifth Edition of Adult Development and Aging: Biopsychosocial Perspectives continues to provide psychologists with a fresh and engaging approach to the field of psychology of adult development a… |
OL3269896W |