Soul pain
Helen K. Black |
"Soul Pain explores the multifaceted experience of suffering in old age. Older adults suffer for a variety of reasons, including illness, loss, life disappointment, and life experiences related to ge… |
OL11637945W |
Not Dead Yet
Julia Neuberger |
Why we need to be better at ageing...Julia Neuberger addresses the question of what life will actually be like for us as we get old, and suggests answers for making our later years as good as when we… |
OL15171058W |
Suicide and the older adult
Antoon A. Leenaars |
Do we have the societal will to humanely provide for he needs of our older population? Are we willing to provide the support these people need even when they are terminally ill? Older adults have the… |
OL20592899W |
Treatment of late-life depression, anxiety, trauma, and substance abuse
Patricia A. Arean |
Working with older adults no longer means working exclusively with frail or disabled people. Older adults are healthier now on average than in decades past, but they still require specialized care. M… |
OL20652495W |
Adult Development and Aging
Susan Krauss Whitbourne |
"The Fifth Edition of Adult Development and Aging: Biopsychosocial Perspectives continues to provide psychologists with a fresh and engaging approach to the field of psychology of adult development a… |
OL3269896W |
Ageing and Reminiscence Processes
Peter G. Coleman |
A Volume of case studies of the reminiscence process in ageing, from which this experienced clinical psychologist draws implications for treatment and management of problems in the ageing population. |
OL5266659W |