Patrick Süskind |
INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER • Set in eighteenth-century France, the classic novel that provokes a terrifying examination of what happens when one man’s indulgence in his greatest passion—his sense of sm… |
OL10834W |
Sniffs and stinks
Robin Michal Koontz |
"An exploration of animals who use special skills, such as making distinct odors, in order to survive"--Provided by publisher. |
OL15616247W |
The smelly book
Babette Cole |
Lists in humorous verse such smelly things as cabbage, skunks, drains, and stink bombs. |
OL1640826W |
Margie Palatini |
When Gorgonzola the dinosaur learns that everyone runs from him to avoid his smell, rather than out of fear, he is grateful to the little bird who shows him how to brush his teeth and wash. |
OL176105W |
Timothy Cox will not change his socks
Robert Kinerk |
Timothy Cox, who is good at following through on ideas, decides to wear the same unwashed socks for one month, ignoring the objections of his dachsund, Walt, and everyone else around him. |
OL1823952W |
Dirty Feet
Steven Kroll |
Grades 1-2 Penelope removes her too-tight sneakers on the way to school, thereby setting the stage for a series of disastrous encounters between her feet and a variety of messy substances. |
OL1879698W |
The perfume of memory
Michelle Nikly |
When a disgruntled Royal Advisor causes the queen to lose all her memories, a perfume-maker named Yasmin helps her remember with the evocative scents she creates. |
OL1935242W |
Sensors and Sensory Systems for an Electronic Nose
Julian W. Gardner |
Sensors and Sensory Systems for an Electronic Nose reviews the current state of progress in the development of an electronic instrument capable of olfaction. The instrument -- the so-called electroni… |
OL19901670W |
Smell and the ancient senses
Mark Bradley |
From flowers and perfumes to urban sanitation and personal hygiene, smell - a sense that is simultaneously sublime and animalistic - has played a pivotal role in western culture and thought. Greek an… |
OL20956300W |
Big Smelly Bear
Britta Teckentrup |
Big Fluffy Bear insists that Big Smelly Bear visit the pond for a bath before she will scratch the itch he cannot reach. |
OL24250993W |
Ça sent bon!
Mélanie Rudel-Tessier |
Un cartonné dont les pages ont été perforées afin de faciliter son transport par les petites mains. Caillou y invite les tout-petits à découvrir les odeurs. -- Tendres illustrations dans les teintes … |
OL24443569W |
Scratch 'n' Sniff
Gus Clarke |
Join Sniff on the trail of the irresistible aroma and uncover the secret behind Scratch's clandestine behaviour in this hilarious, nose- twitching mystery. |
OL24790632W |
Civilisation des Odeurs (XVIe-XVIIIe Siecles)
Robert Muchembled |
269 pages, 24 pages de planches non numérotées : 24 cm |
OL26566312W |
L'histoire parfumée d'Henriette la belette
Lili Chartrand |
Henriette la belette est désespérée : tous ses amis la fuient depuis qu'elle a été arrosée par une moufette. Les fragrances soi-disant irrésistibles que propose la boutique "Parfait Parfum" lui perme… |
OL29238759W |
Patrick Süskind |
"XVIII-wieczny Paryż, światowe centrum mody i elegancji, jest miejscem, gdzie żyje bohater tej niezwykłej opowieści - karzeł obdarzony wrażliwym zmysłem powonienia. Jan Baptysta Grenouille tworzy eli… |
OL29256118W |
What's that awful smell?
Heather Tekavec |
While investigating an odor in their barn, a group of animals discovers a little piglet and engages in a variety of antics to get rid of the awful smell. |
OL6215350W |
What the nose knows
Avery N. Gilbert |
- How many smells are there? And how many molecules would it take to create every smell in nature, from roses to stinky feet?- Who was the bigger scent freak: the perfume-obsessed Richard Wagner or E… |
OL8572180W |
Stanley the Stinkbug Goes to Camp
Max Lucado |
Stanley Stinkbug is nervous about going to camp and when he gets nervous he becomes surrounded by a malodorous cloud, but while the other campers are helping him to stay calm, they discover why God g… |
OL8587165W |
Scents and Scent-sibilities
Kelvin E. Y. Low |
Smells are distinct and ubiquitous. They envelope us, enter our bodies, and emanate from us. Yet, they remain relegated to the background of everyday life experiences. This book attempts to highlight… |
OL9576099W |
Nasty stinky sneakers
Eve Bunting |
Will ten-year-old Colin find his missing stinky sneakers in time to enter The Stinkiest Sneakers in the World contest? |
OL97524W |