The dark side of the enlightenment
John V. Fleming |
In The Dark Side of the Enlightenment John V. Fleming shows how the impulses of the European Enlightenment, generally associated with great strides in the liberation of human thought from superstitio… |
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The secret teachers of the western world
Gary Lachman |
"Running alongside the mainstream of Western intellectual history there is another current which, in a very real sense, should take pride of place, but which for the last few centuries has occupied a… |
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The occult, witchcraft & magic
Christopher Dell |
From the earliest Paleolithic cave rituals, magic has gripped the imagination. Magic and magicians appear in early Babylonian texts, the Bible, Judaism and Islam. Secret words, spells and incantation… |
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The western esoteric traditions
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke |
"Western esotericism has now emerged as an academic study in its own right, combining spirituality with an empirical observation of the natural world while also relating humanity to the universe thro… |
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Early Mormonism and the magic world view
D. Michael Quinn |
In this articulate and insightful book, D. Michael Quinn, a professor of history at Brigham Young University, masterfully reconstructs the world view of an earlier age in America, finding ample evide… |
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The European witch-craze of the 16th and 17th centuries
H. R. Trevor-Roper |
witch hunts in europe between 1450-1700 |
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