Advanced OS/2 Programming
Ray Duncan |
Discusses programming tools, communication, file management, directories, multitasking, and customizing with the OS/2 operating system. |
OL17259462W |
Getting to Know OS/2 Warp 4
Neil Stokes |
Get to know the new capabilities of OS/2 Warp quickly and easily with Getting to Know OS/2 Warp 4. This book will help you understand the OS/2 Warp 4 computing environment and show you how to get the… |
OL17261834W |
Inside OS/2 Warp Server For e-Business
IBM Redbooks |
This redbook describes some of the core functions of the IBM OS/2 Warp Server for e-business product based on the experience of IT Specialists who participated in the ITSO, Austin Center project.
… |
OL17301290W |
Object REXX for OS/2 Rexx Bytes Objects Now or or Taking the "Oh, oh!" out of OO
IBM Redbooks |
Here is an end-to-end introduction to object-oriented programming with the new release of Object REXX of OS/2 Warp. Learn by example with extensive sample code. The CD-ROM includes the complete produ… |
OL17307177W |
OS/2 Power User's Reference
Mark T. Chapman |
This is a reference for OS/2 power users and applications developers using a question-and-answer format as well as detailed compatibility lists and error messages. Over 300 questions and answers on n… |
OL17330804W |
BYTE's OS/2 Programmer's Cookbook
Bruce Hallberg,Kathy Ivens |
This book/CD package describes the programs, how to find them, non-programming as well as programming utilities to aid the programmer, language-specific source code, environment-specific source code … |
OL17340491W |
The Design of OS/2
Michael S. Kogan,Harvey M. Deitel |
Written by the leading architect of 32-bit OS/2 and an operating systems expert, this book examines in detail the internal structure of the new 32-bit version of OS/2. The comprehensive coverage prov… |
OL1753955W |
Essential OpenDoc
Jesse Feiler |
Provides a technical, cross-platform overview for OpenDoc technology that enables users to create specialized, document-centric programs that are focused on specific purposes and conserve memory. |
OL1910188W |
Mastering OS/2 Warp (Russian)
Peter John Dyson |
A highly readable guide to IBM's OS/2 operating system. Includes coverage of OS/2 installation, configuration, and troubleshooting, as well as tips for getting the most out of the object-oriented use… |
OL2032647W |
Peter Norton's inside OS/2
Robert Lafore |
Describes the capabilities of the OS/2 operating system, discusses multitasking, interprocess synchronization, files, and memory allocation, and looks at input/output devices. |
OL2036118W |
The Power of OS/2
Judi N. Fernandez,Ruth Ashley |
Features covered in detail include presentation manager and multitasking (real and protected mode), disk management, file and directory management, environment control, and batch processing. |
OL2040293W |
OS/2 2.1 Application Programmer's Guide
Theodore Shrader,Jody Kelly,Craig Swearingen,Dawn Bezviner |
Writing applications using OS/2 2.1 made easy! This programmer's guide is packed with parameters, data structures, code examples and sample output that enables you to program effectively. From standa… |
OL20507270W |
IBM Smalltalk Programming for Windows and OS/2
Dan Shafer |
Smalltalk programmer Dan Shafer provides insight into design and coding techniques that are specific to the IBM Smalltalk environment. The book completely explains programming logic through examples,… |
OL2105787W |
OS/2 Warp Presentation Manager Mentor
Michael Drapkin |
Quickly acquire the confidence and skills you need to develop powerful OS/2(r) PM applications
Feel like you're ready to tackle OS/2 programming, but don't know where to begin? Not just another re… |
OL2953317W |
Effective Multithreading in OS/2
Len Dorfman,Marc J. Neubergerh |
This guide shows C, Windows and systems programmers how to blend OS/2's multi-tasking capabilities into their application programs. Beginning with the basic concepts of writing multi-threaded program… |
OL3230828W |
Application Development Using OS/2 REXX
Anthony S. Rudd |
It's very rare to find a developers' reference that really satisfies the needs of both novices and advanced users. Author Tony Rudd has once more worked his magic to offer a book that does just that.… |
OL3269127W |
Writing OS/2 Device Drivers
Raymond Westwater |
Introduces OS/2 for use in planning and implementing device drivers, and discusses process and thread management, file and memory management, semaphore coordination, and more. |
OL3335917W |
DB2 certification guide for common servers
Calene Janacek,Grant Hutchison |
Today, obtaining professional certification requires true expertise grounded in in-depth product knowledge and skills. Written for aspiring D82 Database Administrators and Application Developers, thi… |
OL3336817W |
The REXX Language
Michael F. Cowlishaw |
This book is recognized as the standard reference manual for the REXX Programming Language, much as Kernighan and Ritchie is recognized as the standard reference book for the C Programming Language. |
OL3347154W |
Developing C/C++ Software in the OS/2 Environment
V. Mitra Gopaul |
An OS/2 guide that brings together all the development tools that programmers need in one easy-to-use reference. Designed to meet daily needs, this guide covers input files; dynamic-link libraries; p… |
OL3455014W |