Uninsulated Pipes of Solar Water Heater - Thermosyphonic System
Joseph Nowarski |
Uninsulated pipes of solar waters heaters in Israel increase national electricity consumption by 200 millions kWh/year, 40 millions USD per year. Simple solution having 2-4 months return of investmen… |
OL17814989W |
Circulation Pump Power for Solar Water Heater
Joseph Nowarski |
This publication introduces calculations of circulation pump power for solar water heater, forced circulation system. The theoretical power is estimated as 0.5 Watt, while the nominal power of the re… |
OL17814996W |
Energy Balance of Solar Water Heaters - Thermosyphonic Systems
Joseph Nowarski |
This work introduces a methodology for determination of energy balance for solar water heater (SWH).
Solar legislation in Israel requires installation of solar water heaters in new buildings up to … |
OL17815372W |
Heat Transfer in Solar Water Heaters Pipes - Thermosyphonic Systems
Joseph Nowarski |
This work introduces development of formulas of heat transfer in solar water heater pipes to allow calculations of energy losses in pipes.
Solar legislation in Israel requires installation of solar … |
OL17815374W |
Mathematics for Machine Learning
Cheng Soon Ong,Marc Peter Deisenroth,A. Aldo Faisal |
The fundamental mathematical tools needed to understand machine learning include linear algebra, analytic geometry, matrix decompositions, vector calculus, optimization, probability, and statistics. … |
OL20914440W |