A Sort of Life
Graham Greene |
160p |
OL106048W |
Life of Jane Austen
Goldwin Smith |
“The first and best chapter contains an excellent sketch of Jane Austen’s life; the other chapters analyze her novels with delicate taste and fine critical faculty.”
– Standard Catalog for Public Li… |
OL1090431W |
Anne Thackeray Ritchie
Anne Thackeray Ritchie |
Peopled with such literary figures as Tennyson, Trollope, Browning, George Eliot, Henry James, and Virginia Woolf, this book provides Anne Thackeray Ritchie's complete journals written in 1864–65 and… |
OL1147067W |
The Brideshead Generation
Humphrey Carpenter |
Biographical and literary study. Oxford in the 1920s and Waugh's life afterwards. |
OL12072301W |
The herring-seller's apprentice
L. C. Tyler |
A darkly subversive take on the detective novel, peopled by a memorable cast of eccentrics. |
OL13683855W |
Blue remembered hills a recollection
Rosemary Sutcliff |
The well-known author of historical novels for young people describes her childhood and youth and her struggles with the devastating effects of rheumatoid arthritis. |
OL1417710W |
A Prison Diary
Jeffrey Archer,FF 8282 |
Please see https://openlibrary.org/works/OL1807104W |
OL1807104W |
Jane Austen
Carol Shields |
With the same sensitivity and artfulness that are the trademarks of her award-winning novels, Carol Shields explores the life of a writer whose own novels have engaged and delighted readers for the p… |
OL18331W |
Testament of friendship
Vera Brittain |
In her famous volume of autobiography, *Testament of Youth*, now an acclaimed BBC/PBS television serial, Vera Brittain passionately recorded the agonizing years of the First World War, lamenting the … |
OL1971471W |
A house unlocked
Penelope Lively |
Penelope Lively has turned her considerable literary talent to non-fiction with A House Unlocked, a marvellous, meandering collection of memories inspired by Golsoncott, the Somerset country home occ… |
OL1983006W |
Oleander, Jacaranda
Penelope Lively |
A poignant and bittersweet memoir from the distinguished British fiction writer Penelope Lively, Oleander, Jacaranda evokes the author's unusual childhood growing up English in Egypt during the 1930s… |
OL1983041W |
Brave Jane Austen
Lisa Pliscou |
1 volume (unpaged) : 29 cm |
OL20169622W |
Reading and Interpreting the Works of Jane Austen
Connie Ann, Ph.D. Kirk |
144 pages : 24 cm |
OL20474884W |
Meet Me in the In-Between
Bella Pollen |
321 pages : 23 cm |
OL21149294W |
Who's afraid of Leonard Woolf?
Irene Coates |
Was Virginia Woolf suicidal, or was she betrayed and driven to taking her own life? Irene Coates argues, with forensic precision, that Leonard Woolf was responsible for the unravelling of his wife's … |
OL221630W |
The Journals and Letters
Fanny Burney |
Novelist and playwright Frances (Fanny) Burney, 1752-1840, was also a prolific writer of journals and letters, beginning with the diary she started at fifteen and continuing until the end of her even… |
OL2251989W |
I Didn't Get Where I Am Today
David Nobbs |
THE MAGNIFICENT, HILARIOUS AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE MAN WHO CREATED THE IMMORTAL REGINALD PERRINAs a small boy David Nobbs survived the Second World War unscathed, until his bedroom ceiling fell on him w… |
OL2447052W |
Snapshots of Bloomsbury
Humm, Maggie. |
The private lives of Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell in pictures. |
OL2645638W |
Norman John Hall |
Trollope was in his thirties before his first novel was published; before his death at sixty-seven he had written nearly seventy books, as well as conducting a quite separate career in the Post Offic… |
OL2657141W |
In Search of Anne Bronte
Nick Holland |
287 pages : 20 cm |
OL27799537W |