A dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns
John Christopher Willis |
"Aimed to include every published generic name ... from 1753 onward, and every published family name from the appearance of the Genera Plantarum of Jussieu in 1789"--Pref. for the taxonomist. Cryptic. |
OL12332291W |
A handbook of Tibetan medicinal plants
Tsering Dorjee Dekhang |
Title: A Handbook of Tibetan Medicinal Plants
Foreword by: H.H. the Dalai Lama
Author: Dr.Tsering Dorjee Dekhang (MD)
Published by: Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibeta… |
OL13609588W |
Nomenclator zoologicus
Samuel Hubbard Scudder |
This work originated out of personal need to see how and where a certain generic name had been used, or whether one coined for a special occassion had already been employed. The author dissected a co… |
OL1462339W |
A gaggle of geese and a clutter of cats
Dandi Daley Mackall |
Introduces in rhyming text the collective names used for various animal groups. |
OL15058088W |
I love ewe
Aaron Zenz |
"From baby geese to kangaroos to humans, every mom and dad is known by his or her own special name. Bouncing texts full of fun wordplay and adorable illustrations feature animal parents of every shap… |
OL16694662W |
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
American Psychiatric Association |
Prepared by the Work Group to Revise DSM-III of the American Psychiatric Association. |
OL16956094W |
Medical Terminology for Health Careers
Alice G. Ettinger,Pamala F. Burch |
This text has been written for students who are preparing for a variety of professional and paraprofessional careers in the medical field, including the areas of direct patient care and support servi… |
OL1838202W |
Medical terminology
Jacqueline Joseph Birmingham |
xiv, 416 p. : 24 cm |
OL1970960W |
Classifying living things
Raymond Jones |
Explains how scientists group living things based on how alike they are. |
OL24421643W |
Grape species
United States. Bureau of Plant Industry |
Typescripts note about grape varieties, descriptions of each grape plants, grape culture and names of the grapes. |
OL24444552W |
The names of herbes
William Turner |
It is written in 14th century English which is extremely interesting. The writer is fluent however he does take his time to get to the point. Saying that the book is mesmerizing . Its a book to enjoy… |
OL2488197W |
CPT, Standard Edition
Jay T. Ahlman,Angela J. Boudreau,Judy L Connelly,Desiree D. Evans,Michelle Abraham |
v. ; 28 cm |
OL28631144W |
Animal families
Colin Threadgall |
Labeled illustrations present the appropriate names for groups of different animals, including a gaggle of geese, a herd of cows, and a pride of lions. |
OL2934451W |
Handwörterbuch der Pflanzennamen
Robert Zander |
810 p. ; 19 cm |
OL3596124W |
Naming colors
Ariane Dewey |
Describes how various colors came to have their specific names in English. |
OL3903002W |
Stearn's Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners
William T. Stearn |
"Countless plants have been assigned Latin botanical names since Linnaeus instituted modern botanical nomenclature in 1753, and many have aroused the curiosity of gardners. What do these names signif… |
OL4013729W |
A world list of mammalian species
G. B. Corbet |
Listing of orders, families, and species. Classified arrangement. Each entry gives scientific term, synonym or vernacular name, geographical range, and habitat. Bibliography. Index. |
OL4272974W |
Enzyme nomenclature, 1978
International Union of Biochemistry. Nomenclature Committee. |
2122 enzymes listed with classification number, recommended name, reaction, other names, basis for classification, comments, and reference numbers. Index to the enzyme list. |
OL5370605W |
The Names of Plants
David Gledhill,D. Gledhill |
The Names of Plants is an invaluable reference for botanists and horticulturalists. The first section gives an historical account of the significant changes in the ways that plants have been known an… |
OL8323580W |