
20+ results found
Title Authors Description OpenBook ID
Oh, David! Oh, David! David Shannon Even as a toddler, David was a challenge to his parents. Introduces preschoolers to the concept of the five senses as Baby David begins to explore the world around him by banging on drums, smelling s… OL15827662W
Clap hands Clap hands Helen Oxenbury A group of infants have fun together. OL15852649W
Cucú! Cucú! Roberta Grobel Intrater This is a cute book for babies or for young children learning Spanish. It shows cute baby faces with different feelings and expressions such as te ríes (you laugh), llores no más, yo te quiero (I lov… OL15870813W
Feed me! I'm yours Feed me! I'm yours Vicki Lansky A must have book for ANY mother. Recipes are easy to prepare, nutricious and child-tested, mother approved. Great gift for a baby shower. The hints and tips are incredibly useful; from making fun … OL16480411W
Super Babies! Super Babies! Leslie Valdes,Alison Inches After their food is stolen, Dora, Boots, and her baby brother and sister try to get it back. OL1683745W
The Invasion of the Potty Snatchers The Invasion of the Potty Snatchers Dav Pilkey In trouble with their principal because of their comic books about poop, George and Harold decide to create a new graphic novel about an entirely different subject: pee. OL17113653W
Worse than Willy! Worse than Willy! James Stevenson Complaining to Grandpa that their new baby brother is no fun, Mary Ann and Louie are surprised to hear that Grandpa's baby brother was the same way. OL18753W
Oonga boonga Oonga boonga Frieda Wishinsky Big brother Daniel seems to have just the right touch when it comes to making baby Louise stop crying. OL1916298W
What Shall We Do With The Boo-hoo Baby? What Shall We Do With The Boo-hoo Baby? Cressida Cowell,Ingrid Gordon A dog, a cat, a duck, and a cow try to think of things to do to soothe a crying baby. OL20416W
Sleep Sleep Beatrice Hollyer,Lucy Smith Parents hold the key to a baby's good night's sleep. This title shows how to unlock your child's natural ability to sleep through the night from the first weeks of life using a simple method that can… OL2117587W
Claves para entender el llanto del bebé Claves para entender el llanto del bebé José Manuel Sanz Mengíbar RESUMEN: Este libro ofrece los consejos de tres expertos en educación, atención y desarrollo infantil cuyos amplios conocimientos nos permiten descifrar el comportamiento del bebé en todo momento. Po… OL24165782W
Dormir toda la noche Dormir toda la noche Anna Wahlgren "¿Cuántas veces el padre o la madre de un hijo pequeño están somnolientos en el trabajo porque aquél no podía conciliar el sueño la noche anterior? Este es un problema común en muchas familias debido… OL24261621W
El conejito Claudio El conejito Claudio Carole Olson Disfruta verso a verso de las aventuras del conejito Claudio poniéndose la ropa. Con fotos y notas para los padres, este libro te enseñará a divertirte leyendo con tu hijo. Read along as Bunnaby Bun… OL24262631W
¡Mamá, yo quiero un abrazo! ¡Mamá, yo quiero un abrazo! Florencia del Campo En este libro ilustrado para niñitos se puede levantar las solapas para descubrir lo que los bebés necesitan. Youngsters may lift the flaps to see what babies need--including clothing, toys, and oth… OL24689405W
Los primeros cuidados del bebé hasta los 3 años Los primeros cuidados del bebé hasta los 3 años Carla Nieto Martínez "Cuidar a un bebé resulta fascinante, precioso, divertido y agotador por partes iguales, y debe hacerse de manera correcta porque de ello depende su integridad física y su salud. Está comprobado que … OL27059821W
Cu cu! Cu cu! Jeanne Ashbe,Ana Coll-Vinent RESUMEN: Unos bebes se escondan y hacen "cu cu" con sus padres y hermanos. SUMMARY: Babies play "peekaboo" with their parents and sibings. OL27693273W
El primer año es fundamental El primer año es fundamental Penelope Leach New guide to pregnancy and parenting from Penelope Leach, including guidance on practical issues such as feeding, sleeping, and crying. OL27961285W
Estimulación temprana Estimulación temprana Francisco Alvarez,Franciso H. Alvarez An orientation for parents and education professionals on the distinct psychological, physical, and biological stages of infants, this guide offer examples for stimulating children's development. It … OL28587424W
Guía de supervivencia para papás Guía de supervivencia para papás Martyn Cox An overview of what new dads can expect before, during, and after the arrival of a new baby. Una visión general de lo que los nuevos padres pueden esperar antes, durante y después de la llegada de u… OL28767150W
Superbebé Superbebé Jenn Berman Presents advice for new parents on taking full advantage of the early development years of a child's life, providing tips to maximize an infant's mental and emotional growth. "Los tre primeros años … OL28945099W
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