As a Man Thinketh
James Allen |
This little volume (the result of meditation and experience) is not intended as an exhaustive treatise on the much-written upon subject of the power of thought. It is suggestive rather than explanato… |
OL1066996W |
The Prosperity Bible
Wallace D. Wattles |
In a beautiful, durable volume suited to a lifetime of use, here is the all-in-one "bible" on how to harness the creative powers of your mind to achieve a life of prosperity-packaged in a handsome di… |
OL14936065W |
Mind is the master
James Allen |
The classic books of the motivational visionary, collected for the first time in a single volume. Featuring nineteen beloved works, including As a Man Thinketh, Eight Pillars of Prosperity, The Maste… |
OL15078447W |
Oracle of Compassion
Hope Bradford |
In this, the abridged version (sans appendices) of "The Living Word of Kuan Yin: The Teachings and Prophecies of the Goddess of Compassion and Mercy" is presented Kuan Yin’s eternal wisdom on the pow… |
OL15232487W |
Outwitting the devil
Napoleon Hill,Napoleon Hill |
Originally written in 1938 but never published due to its controversial nature, an insightful guide reveals the seven principles of good that will allow anyone to triumph over the obstacles that must… |
OL16176999W |
Studies in character
Norton, Carol |
A series of essays by a Class-taught Christian Scientist who attended the original Massachusetts Metaphysical College when Mrs.Mary Baker Glover Eddy was the teacher. He moved to New York City and l… |
OL16783320W |
The Edinburgh lectures on mental science
Thomas Troward |
"The purpose of this book is to indicate the Natural Principles governing the relation between mental action and material conditions, and thus to afford the student an intelligible starting point for… |
OL17308681W |
Mas alla de El secreto
Brenda Barnaby |
A guide for readers of Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret" explains how to access the path of self-improvement and reach higher levels of success and well-being through a more adequate understanding of menta… |
OL17885647W |
Como vivir la ley de la atraccion
Jack Canfield |
A guide for understanding and using the Law of Attraction--a concept which states that people attract whatever they focus on--that includes instructions, exercises, and techniques to improve people's… |
OL17937225W |
Law of attraction plain and simple
Sonia Ricotti |
"Eleven simple steps to attaining joy, freedom, and inner peace in every area of life"--Provided by publisher. |
OL20008697W |
The Secret of 'The Secret'
Karen Kelly |
Kritische beschouwing over 'The Secret' van Rhonda Byrne, een handleiding in het zoeken naar geluk en het vervullen van verlangens. |
OL20901494W |
When did you die?
Temple Hayes |
"Temple Hayes is poised to join the ranks of Brene Brown, Joel Osteen and Louise Hay, and she has a running start--her spiritual home is the overflowing First Unity of St. Petersburg, Florida. Her au… |
OL23213578W |
The power of silence
Horatio W. Dresser |
Horatio W. Dresser was one of the most prolific writers of the New Thought Movement. His works and those of others in the New Thought Movement have seen a resurgance with the release of the bestselli… |
OL2339136W |
The secret prayer
Joe Vitale |
Dr. Joe Vitale, an inspiration to millions and one of the stars of the movie THE SECRET, gives you new tools to deepen your connection with the Universe, put your life on a fast track to greater happ… |
OL27686105W |
Techniques in prayer therapy
Joseph Murphy |
Murphy, author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, wrote this book to explain to readers how they could attain the source of their good and to get desired results through proper prayer. It is a m… |
OL27713103W |
Light Up Your Life
Diana Cooper |
251 pages (large print) ; 23 cm |
OL2794152W |
Living the secret everyday
Joanne Scaglione,Suzanne Stitz |
"Based on the principles of The Law of Attraction as found in the best-seller, the Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Written by critically-acclaimed author-educator Joanne Scaglione and her twin sister Suzanne… |
OL27961572W |
Matthew David Hurtado |
"ALLOW is a user's manual for stepping outside the mind's iron-grip control over your reality. Once you learn to ALLOW, you can have it all - with least effort. Learn to subdue your ego and defy logi… |
OL28600413W |
Le secret
Rhonda Byrne |
Best seller aux États-Unis dès sa parution, il s'agit pourtant d'un simple ouvrage de motivation. La formule est simple : arrêter de vous considérer comme un raté, pensez positivement et en échange, … |
OL28941058W |
The Art of Life
Ernest Shurtleff Holmes |
The inspiration of Ernest Holmes has reached hundreds of thousands of readers through his classic works, many of which are just now becoming available in paperback.Originally published in the first h… |
OL29056W |