
11 results found
Title Authors Description OpenBook ID
Neoliberalizm ve devletin yeniden yapılandırılması Neoliberalizm ve devletin yeniden yapılandırılması Faruk Ataay NEOLİBERALİZM VE DEVLETİN YENİDEN YAPILANDIRILMASI FARUK ATAAY İÇİNDEKİLER PROF. DR. BİRGÜL AYMAN GÜLER’İN SUNUŞ’U ÖNSÖZ Bölüm I. KAMU HİZMETLERİNİN METALAŞTIRILMASI … OL13620207W
Islam's marriage with neoliberalism Islam's marriage with neoliberalism Yıldız Atasoy "The transformation of the Turkish state is examined here in the context of globalized frames of neo-liberal capitalism and contemporary schemas of Islamic politics. It shows how the historical emerg… OL15409169W
The consumer, credit and neoliberalism The consumer, credit and neoliberalism Christopher Payne "This book is an investigation into the economic policy formulation and practice of neoliberalism in Britain from the 1950s through to the financial crisis and economic downturn that began in 2007-8.… OL16014840W
New femininities New femininities Rosalind Gill "This volume brings together twenty original essays on the changes and continuities in gender relations and intersecting politics of sexuality, race, class and location. The book is located in debate… OL16134263W
Sex, needs and queer culture Sex, needs and queer culture David Alderson The belief of many in the early sexual liberation movements was that capitalism's investments in the in the norms of the heterosexual family meant that any challenge to them was invariably anti-capit… OL20035935W
Buying time Buying time Wolfgang Streeck "The financial crisis keeps us on edge and creates a diffuse sense of helplessness. Well-nigh unfathomable problems lead to measures that seem like emergency operations on the open heart of the Weste… OL20047843W
Knowledge for Justice Knowledge for Justice Hilde Ibsen,Tor Halvorsen With the adoption of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement, the purpose of development is being redefined in both social and environmental terms. Despite pus… OL20930004W
Stolen Stolen Grace Blakeley For decades, it has been easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. In the decade leading up to the 2008 financial crisis, booming banks, rising house prices and cheap co… OL21164718W
Transforming provincial politics Transforming provincial politics Bryan M. Evans,Charles W. Smith Transforming Provincial Politics is the first province-by-province analysis of politics and political economy in more than a decade, and the first to directly examine the turn to neoliberal policies … OL22953012W
Happiness as enterprise Happiness as enterprise Sam Binkley "Examines the contemporary discourse on happiness through the lens of governmentality theory"--Provided by publisher. OL23286812W
El subdesarrollo social de España El subdesarrollo social de España Vicenç Navarro Este libro analiza las causas del grave subdesarrollo social de España, mostrando cómo los grandes déficits del estado del bienestar en nuestro país se basan en causas que son raramente visibles en l… OL9114284W