Integrating the national science education standards into classroom practice
Kenneth P. King |
"This brief volume helps bridge the gap between theory and practice. It offers readers a tool to understand not only what the National Science Education Standards (NSES) are, but also how they can en… |
OL11650466W |
Simulation and Learning
Franco Landriscina |
This book conveys the incredible instructional potential of simulation as a modality of education and provides guidelines for the design of effective simulation-based learning environments. The fram… |
OL19902205W |
The impact of TIMSS on the teaching & learning of mathematics & science
n/a |
'The chapters in this volume are intended to report at an international level on the impact that participation in TIMSS had in many of the countries that participated in this study. The international… |
OL27733018W |
La physique est un jeu d'enfant
Mireille Hartmann |
Un ouvrage explicatif pour aider enseignants et parents à faire découvrir la physique aux enfants. Il se compose de cinq parties : eau, air, lumière, électricité, magnétisme. Chacune se décline en ac… |
OL28954055W |