Kofi Annan
Stanley Meisler |
Biografie van de Ghanese diplomaat (geboren in 1938), van 1997 tot 2007 secretaris-generaal van de Verenigde Naties. |
OL15837597W |
The economics of UN peacekeeping
Nadège Sheehan |
"Peacekeeping is a security concept that is very representative of the current interventionism, multilateralism, human rights, and humanitarian ideas. UN peacekeeping plays an important role in inter… |
OL16149067W |
Maurice Bertrand |
Analyse dans une perspective historique les principes, les mecanismes et les operations de l'ONU. Demontre la necessite de reformer l'institution, de reajuster ses methodes et sa philosophie. |
OL17895127W |
Basic Facts about the United Nations
United Nations: Department of Public Information |
xvi, 276 pages : 23 cm |
OL20222561W |
The United Nations & regional security
Michael C. Pugh,Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu |
Events in Europe over the past decade or so have created a dynamic requiring conceptual and practical adjustments on the part of the UN and a range of regional actors. This volume explores the result… |
OL20905172W |
Au secours, le Père Noël revient
Pascal Bruckner |
Un Père Noël bedonnant, sale et bougon ne croit plus en sa mission. Après une tournée ratée, il se retrouve à cuver son vin au commissariat de police. L'affaire devient internationale. L'ONU s'en emp… |
OL24422375W |
The United Nations
Connolly, Sean |
Describes the history of the United Nations, its peacekeeping missions, and views of those who support or criticize the UN. |
OL24690122W |
Madam Secretary
Madeleine Korbel Albright |
Mémoires de M. Albright, responsable de la politique étrangère des Etats-Unis sous la présidence de Bill Clinton de 1997 à 2001, et qui fut précédemment représentante permanente des Etats-Unis aux Na… |
OL276829W |
Civil-military coordination
Lara Olson,Hrach Gregorian,John Ferris |
"The Peacebuilding, Development, and Security (PDS) Program was initiated at the University of Calgary in 2007 with funding from the University Centre for Military and Strategic Studies (CMSS). It re… |
OL28764566W |
The United Nations from A to Z
Nancy Winslow Parker |
An alphabetical guide to the people, countries, organizations, and activities of the United Nations. |
OL2920721W |
Planet UN
Romuald Sciora |
Accompanying CD-ROM includes interviews with the previous 5 UN Seretary-Generals of the; bibliography on the United Nations; and various documents relating to the history and work of the United Natio… |
OL29316241W |
Encyclopedia of the United Nations and international agreements
Edmund Jan Osmańczyk |
Includes "World population statistics, 1985-2025." |
OL3683353W |