Podivné přátelství herce Jesenia
Ivan Olbracht |
Podivuhodné přtelství herce Jesenia patří mezi psychologické romány Ivana Olbrachta. Kniha z hereckého prostředí, vydaná roku 1919, stojí na vztahu dvou herců, kteří se, i přes jejich zcela kontrastn… |
OL102854W |
L'Œuvre au noir
Marguerite Yourcenar |
*L'Œuvre au noir* est un roman de 1968 de l'écrivaine belgo-française Marguerite Yourcenar. Son récit est centré sur la vie et la mort de Zénon, médecin, philosophe, scientifique et alchimiste né à B… |
OL106865W |
Il disertore
Giuseppe DESSI |
Negli anni immediatamente successivi alla prima guerra mondiale, in un villaggio sardo, la madre di un caduto e di un disperso, chiusa nel suo dolore senza lacrime, ostile alla guerra e a ogni sua en… |
OL13069240W |
Cactus Island
Manchee, William.,William Manchee |
Stan is called out to Possum Kingdom Lake in Central Texas where a boy scout has been killed in a tragic Jeep accident. At first glance it appears to be just a typical case of a reckless teenager dri… |
OL13838574W |
The Complete Sherlock Holmes [1/2] (Adventures of Sherlock Holmes / Hound of the Baskervilles / Mem…
Arthur Conan Doyle |
Eccentric, arrogant, and ingenious, Sherlock Holmes remains the world's most popular and influential fictional detective. In four novels and fifty-six short stories, Holmes with his trusted friend Dr… |
OL14929975W |
Sherlock Holmes. His Most Famous Mysteries (Adventure of the Gloria Scott / Adventure of the Greek …
Arthur Conan Doyle |
[Adventure of the Gloria Scott](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL20619337W/Adventure_of_the_Gloria_Scott)
Adventure of the Greek Interpreter
[Scandal in Bohemia](https://openlibrary.org/w… |
OL14930414W |
Human Company
Robert Wayne Petty |
Bios, women bioengineered from human stock, have settled the marginally inhabitable planet Snowshoe. However, the collapse of a space elevator has plunged their Femdom into a dark age.
Gypsy reali… |
OL15021458W |
Los crímenes de la academia
Bayard, Louis.,Louis Bayard |
Corre 1830 y la Academia de West Point está en apuros. Un cadete aparece ahorcado -un falso suicidio- y varias horas después alguien roba el corazón del cadaver. El asunto requiere discreción: Gus La… |
OL15168356W |
Short Stories (Boscombe Valley Mystery / Case of Identity / Red-Headed League / Scandal in Bohemia …
Arthur Conan Doyle |
[Boscombe Valley Mystery](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL18495288W/The_Boscombe_Valley_Mystery)
[Case of Identity](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL14929939W/A_Case_of_Identity)
[Red-hea… |
OL1518140W |
Sherlock Holmes (Adventures of Sherlock Holmes / Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes / His Last Bow / Memo…
Arthur Conan Doyle |
- [Adventures of Sherlock Holmes](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL262421W/The_Adventures_of_Sherlock_Holmes)
[Scandal in Bohemia](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL14930611W/A_Scandal_in_Bohemia)
[Re… |
OL1518262W |
Tales of Sherlock Holmes (Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle / Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual / Adve…
Arthur Conan Doyle |
[Study in Scarlet](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL16290253W/A_Study_in_Scarlet)
[Sign of Four](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL262585W/The_Sign_of_Four)
Selected short stories.
[Adventure of… |
OL1518418W |
Soldier in the Grass
Joanna Crispi |
The Congo is in civil war and Brazzaville is under siege. During a mission to evacuate French nationals, Lt. Vincent Chavanne is separated from his unit and left for dead. Soldier in the Grass record… |
OL15297749W |
Brushstrokes of a Gadfly, (Gadfly Saga #1)
E.A. Bucchianeri |
Katherine Walsingham, the only daughter of the CEO of Walsingham Industries, is an artist by calling and temperament, a lover of literature, a philosophical idealist and an animal rights activist una… |
OL15749205W |
Swimmer in the secret sea
William Kotzwinkle |
First published in Redbook in 1975 to enormous acclaim, this O. Henry Award winner sold 100,000 copies in paperback.
Readers finish the book giving thanks for their life and the lives of people t… |
OL16048990W |
The Greek Maiden and the English Lord
Patty Apostolides |
Six year old Lily Montgomery wanders from her home in Patras on that fateful night of 1821 when the Ottomans set fire to the Greek city, and is captured by gypsies. Ten years later, she learns about … |
OL16098518W |
Los relámpagos de agosto
Jorge Ibargüengoitia |
A sarcastic novel that parodies the memoirs written by veterans of the 1910 Mexican Revolution and the armed uprisings that followed it. |
OL1638419W |
De naam van de roos & Naschrift
Umberto Eco |
Historisch-filosofische roman spelend in 1327 waarin een Engelse monnik in een Noord-Italiaanse abdij een serie moorden probeert op te lossen. |
OL16795492W |
Um Trono para Dois Irmãos
Ana Maria Magalhães,Isabel Alçada |
Historical novel about a scientist and his two young friends, a brother and sister, who travel in time back to 19th century Portugal during the Civil War or the War of the Two Brothers. |
OL16805699W |
No Coração da África Misteriosa
Ana Maria Magalhães,Isabel Alçada |
Historical novel about a scientist and his two young friends, a brother and sister, who travel in time back to 19th century Africa exploring unknown territories. |
OL16805705W |
Viagem à Índia
Ana Maria Magalhães,Isabel Alçada |
Historical novel about a scientist and his two young friends, a brother and sister, who travel in time back to 1498 to sail with Vasco da Gama and discover the sea route to India. |
OL16805805W |