Jesus & John the Baptist
Laurent Lalo |
An illustrated retelling of the New Testament story of John the Baptist. |
OL122673W |
The Christmas story
Deborah Hautzig |
Retells the story of the birth of Jesus Christ in the stable at Bethlehem. |
OL12883W |
Bible pour les jeunes
A. M. Cocagnac |
The stories and psalms of the Old Testament simplified for young readers. |
OL1363118W |
Horæ Apocalypticæ (Vol. IV.)
Edward Bishop Elliott |
[Vol. I.](http://openlibrary.org/works/OL7647056W "Horæ Apocalypticæ, Vol. I.")
[Vol. II.](http://openlibrary.org/works/OL13700466W "Horæ Apocalypticæ, Vol. II.")
[Vol. III.](http://openlibrary.… |
OL13700464W |
2 men in the temple
Joann Scheck |
A retelling, in verse, of a parable which contrasts two men, a dishonest one who recognizes his faults, repents, and is forgiven, and one who proudly parades his false piety. |
OL142613W |
The Christmas story
Bill Yenne |
Simple text describes the birth of Jesus on the first Christmas and recounts who came to see him. |
OL14912374W |
Farmer Brown's field trip
Melody Carlson |
A contemporary retelling, in rhyming text, of the parable of the sower who scatters seed on hard ground, on rocky soil, in the weeds, and in good soil. |
OL15109769W |
The gift of Christmas
Jane Belk Moncure |
Brief text retells the story of Christ's birth in a Bethlehem stable. |
OL15124624W |
Five loaves and two fishes
Joan Lowery Nixon |
An easy-to-read account of the Bible story in which Jesus fed the crowds of people on the shores of the Sea of Galilee with five loaves of bread and two fishes. |
OL15130575W |
The Life of Jesus
Sally Grindley |
Using the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as reference, the story of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, is vividly retold. |
OL15213636W |
I learn about Jesus
Daughters of St. Paul. |
Retellings of New Testament stories with related prayers. |
OL15419699W |
The Christmas promise
Eric C. Bohnet |
With rhyming text, retells the real story of the first Christmas, the birth of Jesus. |
OL15534888W |
Jesus wakes the little girl
Joanne Bader |
With rhyming text, retells the Bible story in which Jesus raises the daughter of Jairus back to life. |
OL15534892W |
The resurrection
Cynda Strong |
1 v. (unpaged) : 21 cm |
OL15539419W |
Jesus sat down and said--
Gérard Bessière |
A retelling of the parables told by Jesus Christ. |
OL1646394W |
Row the boat
Mary Manz Simon |
Retells for beginning readers the New Testament story of how Jesus filled the fishermen's empty nets with fishes. |
OL1647478W |
Rumble, rumble
Mary Manz Simon |
Retells for beginning readers the Bible story in which Jesus feeds a huge crowd of people with five loaves of bread and two fishes. |
OL1647479W |
A silent night
Mary Manz Simon |
Retells for beginning readers the events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ. |
OL1647483W |
Follow that star
Mary Manz Simon |
Retells for beginning readers the Bible story about the three wise men who follow the star to the baby Jesus. |
OL1647507W |
Send a baby
Mary Manz Simon |
A simple retelling of the events surrounding the birth of John the Baptist. |
OL1647514W |