Welsh mythology and folklore in popular culture
Audrey Becker |
"Examining how we interpret Welshness today, this volume brings together fourteen essays that examine the range of representations of Welsh mythology, folklore, and ritual in popular culture. Togethe… |
OL16183875W |
Don't Know Much About Mythology
Kenneth C. Davis |
It has been nineteen years since Kenneth C. Davis first dazzled audiences with his instant classic Don't Know Much About® History, vividly bringing the past to life and proving that Americans don't h… |
OL1869258W |
Classical mythology
Mark P. O. Morford |
An excellent primer on classical mythology for readers who have little or no background of classical knowledge. |
OL1888129W |
Amos Daragon, la fin des dieux
Bryan Perro |
Ultime aventure d'Amos Daragon. En compagnie de son dragon Maelström, Amos fait un long voyage pour atteindre le continent de l'air et porter secours à une porteuse de masques en détresse. Une fois d… |
OL20849694W |
Le monde de la lune
Frédéric Niel |
Une histoire de l'observation et de l'exploration de la Lune et de ses représentations dans les arts, la littérature, la chanson, etc. |
OL21540429W |
Homère |
Roman - Grèce antique - mythologie. |
OL24282411W |
Les dragons
Karl Shuker |
Un album sérieux et décalé sur le mythe et la représentation du dragon. |
OL24432238W |
L'atlas de la mythologie
Collectif |
Fait le tour des mythes fondateurs les plus importants. Ils sont en majeure partie grecs, romains et égyptiens mais l'ouvrage évoque aussi les systèmes mythologiques des Perses, des Celtes, des Vikin… |
OL24957541W |
Les mondes magiques de Narnia
David Colbert |
En une trentaine de courts chapitres, l'auteur se livre à une étude synthétique de la genèse, de l'intertextualité et du symbolisme des célèbres ##Chroniques##, tout en brossant un portrait de leur a… |
OL26283377W |
L'univers de Tolkien
David Day |
Cet album illustré fournit ce qui est indiqué au sous-titre en découvrant la Terre du Milieu, les Âges de la création, des étoiles et du soleil et en narrant la Guerre de l'Anneau. [SDM]. |
OL26442034W |
Burning issues
Alan Krell |
"From the Greek myth of Prometheus to the counter-cultural Burning Man Festival in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada, fire has always sparked our imagination. Like knowledge in the Garden of Eden, fire i… |
OL28597961W |
Women who run with the wolves
Clarissa Pinkola Estes,María Antonia Menini Pagès,Maria Antonia Menini,Clarissa Pinkola Estés,ANTONIA MENINI PAGES,Clarissa Pinkola Estés |
Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. Her name is Wild Woman, but she is an endangered spe… |
OL2960639W |
Handbook of Japanese Mythology (World Mythology)
Michael Ashkenazi |
Handbook of Japanese Mythology makes it easy to travel this vast yet little-known mythological landscape. The book reveals the origins of Japan's myths in the very different realms of Buddhism, Shint… |
OL4174237W |
The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Joseph Campbell |
A thoroughly intense and all-embracing read. In the 2-page preface written in 1948, he states such ground-shakingly obvious facts about the human psyche, that you'll wonder why these ideas had never … |
OL4888641W |
Roman mythology
Stewart Perowne |
Discusses the origins and development of Roman religion, its close ties with Roman history, and its ultimate capitulation to Christianity. |
OL5112871W |
Einführung in das Wesen der Mythologie
Carl Gustav Jung,Karl Kerényi |
_Essays on a Science of Mythology_ is a cooperative work between C. Kerényi, who has been called “the most psychological of mythologists,” and C. G. Jung, who has been called “the most mythological o… |
OL95167W |