Stealing MySpace
Julia Angwin |
A few years ago, MySpace.com was just an idea kicking around a Southern California spam mill. Scroll down to the present day and MySpace is one of the most visited Internet destinations in America, d… |
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Hacking MySpace
John Pospisil |
Get noticed. Get discovered.It's YourSpaceThere are over 90 million profiles on MySpace. How do you make yours stand out? You use these programming tricks and techniques to tweak the look, feel, and … |
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MySpace unraveled
Larry Magid,Anne Collier,Lawrence J. Magid |
This is the eBook version of the printed book.Do you know what your children are up to on MySpace? MySpace Unraveled: What it is and how to use it safely discusses the booming MySpace social-networki… |
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