The Elements of Orchestral Arrangement
William Lovelock |
From the inside front dustcover flap of the original hardcover edition:
"As the title implies, this is not primarily a book on the orchestra, but rather on the orchestration of music originally wr… |
OL1379298W |
Glasbeni kažipot 4-6 / Musical signposts 4-6
Mitja Reichenberg |
The book in a handbook for teachers and also an interesting and direct way explaining many musical examples to help in the development of music education in the second three classes (4-6) of the prim… |
OL15493194W |
Understanding the Leitmotif
Matthew Bribitzer-Stull |
The musical leitmotif, having reached a point of particular forcefulness in the music of Richard Wagner, has remained a popular compositional device up to the present day. In this book, Matthew Bribi… |
OL20659914W |
The origin of music
Robert Fink |
Among the first reviews of the "Origin of Music" (under its original title: "The Universality of Music") was published by the "Journal of Research in Music Education," Vol. 20, No. 3, (Autumn, 1972 p… |
OL2144635W |
Guide de la théorie musicale
Claude Abromont |
D une conception ouverte et neuve, abondamment illustré (plus de 500 exemples musicaux, tableaux et schémas), le Guide de la théorie de la musique est amené à occuper une place centrale dans la prati… |
OL8985673W |