Le petit prince noir et les 1213 moutons
Audren |
Littérature jeunesse: roman, amour
Comment Loïs s'est-elle retrouvée dans un pré d'herbe rose, en compagnie de 1 213 moutons à l'air abruti qui lui demandent de se taire et de brouter? Elle a voulu … |
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Bridget and the muttonheads
Pija Lindenbaum |
Bridget is staying at a vacation hotel with her parents and it's boring, but she discovers a beach behind the hotel. From there she spots a tiny island with five small sheep in need help. Will she be… |
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The adventures of Steel Wooly
Michael Bauer |
Life isn't always easy for a young little sheep growing up on a big farm. So it was with Steel Wooly. His farm family and friends were there to help, yet from the very beginning all he really needed … |
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Ovejas fugitivas
Marcela Silvestro |
This is the story of a girl and ten sheep. Every night at bedtime, she names them, and they obediently appear. However, when she falls asleep, they vanish. The next day you have to look for them arou… |
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Hooray for sheep farming!
Bobbie Kalman |
Introduces the farming of sheep for wool, covering such aspects as shearing, lambs, sheep dogs, wool processing, farm maintenance, and the proper care of sheep. |
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