The Story of the Ten Commandments
Patricia A. Pingry |
A simple retelling of God's leadership of the children of Israel, including His guidance as they fled Egypt, His protection in the wilderness, and the giving of the Ten commandments. |
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Ann Keay Beneduce |
Recounts the story of the Jewish leader Moses, from his birth until his leading of the slaves out of Egypt. Based on the Torah, Modern Commentary and the King James Bible. |
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Miriam watches over baby Moses
Mary Manz Simon |
Miriam hides her baby brother, Moses, from the Pharoah's soldiers and remains loyal to her promise to protect him even in difficult times. |
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Moses and the burning bush
Mary Manz Simon |
When Moses hears the voice of God in a burning bush, he is convinced to obey God's command to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. |
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Margaret Hodges |
Retells the story of Moses, from his birth and trip in a boat of bulrushes to his bringing of the Ten Commandments down from Mount Sinai. |
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The story of Miriam & baby Moses
Patricia A. Pingry |
A retelling of the Bible story that tells how Moses was saved from death as a baby by his sister and the Egyptian king's daughter. |
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Sylvia A. Johnson |
Describes the characteristics and development of mosses. |
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The five books of Moses for young people
Esta Cassway |
Retells the stories found in the first five books of the Old Testament. |
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Baby in a basket
Ruth Shannon Odor |
Brief text retells how the baby Moses was hidden in a basket placed among tall reeds along the river. |
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Let my people go!
Penny Frank |
Retells the story of the Israelite leader Moses, as found in Exodus. |
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Max Bolliger |
A retelling of the Old Testament story of Moses who eventually led the Israelites out of Egypt. |
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