Fichte et le dépassement de la "chose en soi"
Sylvain Portier |
La perception nous fait-elle véritablement connaître cette réalité en soi qui caractérise le monde extérieur ? Le Moi se rapporte-t-il directement à un "Non-Moi" ? Si une chose en soi existe, comment… |
OL12932486W |
L' apprentissage de la sérénité
Pauwels, Louis |
A partir de son expérience personnelle, de ses rencontres avec des hommes et des maîtres remarquables, de ses lectures aussi, il nous dévoile des itinéraires spirituels très variés qui ont pour jalon… |
OL1342109W |
Rewriting the Self
Roy Porter |
Rewriting the Self is an exploration of ideas of the self in the western cultural tradition from the Renaissance to the Present. The contributors analyse differing religious, philosophical, psycholog… |
OL15186105W |
The Network Self
Kathleen Wallace |
The concept of a relational self has been prominent in feminism, communitarianism, narrative self theories, and social network theories, and has been important to theorizing about practical dimension… |
OL24504419W |
The Mediating Self
Mitchell Aboulafia |
In this pathbreaking book Mitchell Aboulafia considers the development of the sense of self by critically analyzing the philosophies of George Herbert Mead--an American pragmatist who argues that sel… |
OL5103914W |
Christ and Your Problems
Jay Edward Adams |
Do you have problems that seem too great to bear? Do you wonder if there is any way out of the mess you are in? This helpful booklet was written to put such problem cases into perspective. Showing fi… |
OL858303W |