La diabolisation de la femme
Alain Piot |
Au commencement était la peur de la femme. Au terme est toujours la peur de la femme. Entre les deux, il y a eu la fumée des bûchers. Le christianisme a été le véhicule souvent complaisant de la peur… |
OL13779238W |
Lauren DeStefano |
It's an amazing literary experience brought to us by Lauren DeStefano.
In Wither, the author explores an scenario where nothing is as it used to be. After genetic mutations made in order to extin… |
OL15691134W |
9 ways we're screwing up our girls and how we can stop
Anea Bogue |
Research suggests that the average girl's self-esteem peaks at the age of 9 and then plummets. This leaves girls susceptible to poor academic performance, depression, eating disorders, bullying, risk… |
OL19982423W |
The upstairs wife
Rafia Zakaria,Rafia Zakaria |
"A memoir of Karachi through the eyes of its women. Rafia Zakaria's Muslim-Indian family immigrated to Pakistan from Bombay in 1962, feeling the situation for Muslims in India was precarious and that… |
OL19999062W |
Kim Jiyoung, born 1982
Cho Nam-ju |
In a small, tidy apartment on the outskirts of the frenzied metropolis of Seoul lives Kim Jiyoung. A thirtysomething-year-old “millennial everywoman,” she has recently left her white-collar desk job―… |
OL20670294W |
The public woman
Joan Smith |
How are women supposed to make sense of the world today? Women have never had more freedom - yet questions of inequality persist from the bedroom to the boardroom. A quarter of a century after the pu… |
OL24739580W |
Veiled Threat
Sally Armstrong |
"Veiled Threat is Sally Armstrong's testimony to what she saw in Afghanistan. It not only describes the Taliban's brutality, but also the enduring courage of the women who resisted it for five years.… |
OL4002229W |
Män som hatar kvinnor
Stieg Larsson |
Mikael Blomkvist, ekonomireporter, döms till fängelse för förtal av finansmannen Wennerström, och beslutar sig för att ta time out från sitt jobb på tidskriften Millennium.
I samma veva får han ett … |
OL5784622W |