The basics of nonmetals
Allan B. Cobb |
This title will bring to life any student bored with this essential subject dealing with the nonmetals on the periodic table. Readers will be fascinated by the "Chemistry in Action" fact boxes about … |
OL17895058W |
Tyrone Mineo |
Explains the characteristics of uranium, where it is found, how it is mined, and some of its uses, including creating nuclear power, weapons, and airplanes. -- |
OL23435410W |
Cinco centavos
Elizabeth Morgan |
Introduces the nickel, explains how it compares to other American coins, and describes what appears on a nickel. |
OL28168336W |
If it shines, clangs & bends, it's metal
Norman F. Smith |
Describes the origins, properties, and uses of a variety of metals. |
OL4314770W |
Alexandra Fix |
The books in this series explain how everyone can help the environment by reducing waste. Readers will explore the cycle of waste and its harmful effects, discover the difference between renewable an… |
OL5842123W |
Metals (Chemicals in Action)
Chris Oxlade |
Properties of metals - Families of metals. |
OL73547W |