Grasa tóxica
Barry Sears |
Examina las causas actuales de la epidemia de obesidad, discutiendo los factores dietéticos como el consumo de petróleo refinado y productos del azúcar y una reducción en el consumo de pescado, y la … |
OL19972066W |
Overcoming type 2 diabetes
Carrie S. Swift |
Millions of Americans have Type 2 Diabetes, and the numbers keep rising. This provides comprehensive information on everything someone with this condition needs to know. A detailed, yet positive, dis… |
OL20011385W |
Metabolic syndrome
Wade Migan |
"You're about to discover a proven strategy on how to understand and overcome your Metabolic Syndrome issues for the rest of your life. Millions of people suffer from symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome a… |
OL29230007W |