Upgrade your brain
John Middleton |
52 fresh ideas for flexing mental muscle.Learn how to maximize brain power and access insight and creativity, at work and at play. From problem-solving to mind-mapping through story-telling and chatt… |
OL15083581W |
The Power of Habit
Johan-Frédérik Hel Guedj,Charles Duhigg |
A young woman walks into a laboratory. Over the past two years, she has transformed almost every aspect of her life. She has quit smoking, run a marathon, and been promoted at work. The patterns insi… |
OL16015154W |
The physical basis of mental illness
Ronald Chase |
"This accessible volume sets an ambitious goal: to help people better understand the nature of mental illness. The term itself is a problem for most who believe, consciously or not, that individuals … |
OL16485616W |
The Neural Basis Of Free Will Criterial Causation
Peter Tse |
xvi, 456 p. : 23 cm |
OL17575128W |
No more brain drain
Reader's Digest Association |
Scientificly proven ways to keep your mind sharp, explained in a way that everyone can understand. |
OL17833957W |
The cognitive neurosciences
Gazzaniga, Michael S. |
"The third edition of The Cognitive Neurosciences continues to chart new directions in the study of the biologic underpinnings of complex cognition - the relationship between the structural and physi… |
OL17942577W |
Think smart
Richard M. Restak |
A leading neuroscientist and New York Times-bestselling author of Mozart's Brain and the Fighter Pilot distills the research on the brain and serves up practical, surprising, and illuminating recomme… |
OL1846887W |
The mind of man
Nigel Calder |
288 p. 25 cm |
OL2381864W |
The wonder of being human
Eccles, John C. Sir |
Traces the development of the human consciousness and argues that many scientific theories of human nature denigrate the value of humanity. |
OL3961111W |
Response times
R. Duncan Luce |
1. Representing Response Times as Random VariablesPart I: Detection Paradigms 2. Simple Reaction Times: Basic Data3. Decomposition into Decision and Residual Latencies4. Distributions of Simple Decis… |
OL4319278W |
The society of mind
Marvin Minsky |
An authority on artificial intelligence introduces a theory that explores the workings of the human mind and the mysteries of thought. |
OL4981641W |
Ageing and Reminiscence Processes
Peter G. Coleman |
A Volume of case studies of the reminiscence process in ageing, from which this experienced clinical psychologist draws implications for treatment and management of problems in the ageing population. |
OL5266659W |
Why God won't go away
Andrew B. Newberg |
"Why have we humans always longed to connect with something larger than ourselves? Why does consciousness inevitably involve us in a spiritual quest? Why, in short, won't God go away? Theologians, ph… |
OL6221570W |
Tout savoir sur le cerveau et les dernières découvertes sur le Moi
Jacques Neirynck |
"How does my brain work? Why am I conscious? Where is my memory? Is what I perceive around me reality or just an illusion? We all ask these questions, which we could sum up in a single question: who … |
OL819369W |
Psychology of Intelligence Analysis
Richard J., Jr. Heuer |
ix, 216 pages : 21 cm |
OL9271758W |