Two poems attributed to Joachim of Fiore
Joachim of Fiore,Marjorie Reeves,John V. Fleming |
WARNING: the google scan is not of this book! |
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More Latin lyrics, from Virgil to Milton
Felicitas Corrigan,Helen Waddell |
"The general plan ... is to trace chronologically the Latin influence in Europe for some sixteen hundred years. Each poet's work is prefaced by an editorial note, followed by a passage from Helen Wad… |
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Carmen carminum proteus Virginis Deiparae dotes exprimens supra siderum numeros, ac penè innumeras
Francesco de Franchis |
Consists of variations of 8 words showing how combining them in different order leads to variations of meaning; for example: Tot tibi sunt dotes Virgo quot sidera caeli; Tot tibi sunt dotes quot Virg… |
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