Multiparameter eigenvalue problems
F. V. Atkinson |
"With special attention to the Sturm-Liouville theory, this book discusses the full multiparameter theory as applied to second-order linear equations. It considers the spectral theory of these multip… |
OL15520897W |
Applied singular integral equations
B. N. Mandal |
"Integral equations occur in a natural way in the course of obtaining mathematical solutions to mixed boundary value problems of mathematical physics. Of the many possible approaches to the reduction… |
OL15980129W |
Introduction to functional equations
Prasanna Sahoo |
"Functional equations form a modern branch of mathematics. This book provides an elementary yet comprehensive introduction to the field of functional equations and stabilities. Concentrating on funct… |
OL16211849W |
Ordinary differential equations
Greenberg, Michael D. |
"After a brief review of first-order differential equations, this book focuses on second-order equations with constant coefficients that derive their general solution using only results described pre… |
OL16239854W |
Nonlinear optimal control theory
Leonard David Berkovitz |
"Preface This book is an introduction to the mathematical theory of optimal control of processes governed by ordinary differential and certain types of differential equations with memory. The book is… |
OL16726285W |