Kupinang engkau dengan hamdalah
Mohammad Fauzil Adhim |
Preparation for marriage based on Islamic belief. |
OL14924994W |
The world's greatest proposals
Fred Cuellar |
In a recent Internet contest, Fred Cuellar (a.k.a. "The Diamond Guy") offered a beautiful, sparkling diamond in return for the most hilarious, creative or inspirational proposal story. As a result, h… |
OL15156818W |
Upacara perkawinan adat Jawa
Thomas Wiyasa Bratawijaya |
Javanese marriage customs and rites. |
OL1784270W |
The bride price
Mai Neng Moua |
"A principled decision brings unexpected consequences for a Hmong American woman struggling to reconcile the two cultures--and to be a good daughter while breaking the rules. When Mai Neng Moua decid… |
OL20058389W |
Ike and Mama and the block wedding
Carol Snyder |
Rosie Weinstein is getting married on Sunday but not without a little help from the residents of East 136th Street. |
OL3537380W |
Tata rias pengantin gaya Yogyakarta
Murtiadji, Sri Supadmi R. |
Traditional marriage custom of Yogyakarta region. |
OL3729251W |
Merry ever after
Joe Lasker |
Contrasts the way children of different social classes were betrothed and married during the Middle Ages. |
OL4462914W |
The Groom to Have Been
Saher Alam,Saher Alam |
A love story inspired by The Age of Innocence, about a young man and woman thwarted by tradition and the fears of a world suddenly defined by tragedyJust as Nasr, a young man with a vibrant professio… |
OL9334427W |