Getting it through my thick skull
Mary Jo Buttafuoco |
"I think, every once in a while, about the life I should be living, the one I fully expected to be enjoying right about now. In the life I was supposed to have, my husband and I would be admiring the… |
OL13785470W |
On a dark, dark night
Sara B. Pierce |
Written in rhyming text, the story follows the experiences of young Cub, after he witnesses his father strike his mother. Cub finds help and support from his old friend, Moose, and new friend, Eagle.… |
OL15896366W |
Outside The Line
Christian Petersen |
Peter Ellis is a rookie probation officer in interior British Columbia when he gets saddled with a file that goes sideways. He’s not in the best headspace to start with, since his marriage broke down… |
OL17479210W |
No safe place
Connie Guberman |
In No Safe Place, the issues of rape, child abuse and sexual assault, pornography, wife battery and sexual harassment are explored for the first time in a single resource. |
OL19107290W |
Alternatives to Domestic Violence
Kevin A. Fall |
This new edition represents a substantial update on the original, based upon the work of the authors over the past four years and their discovery of gaps in the earlier study. |
OL19825830W |
Carmen Blandin Tarleton |
"On June 10, 2007, Carmen Blandin Tarleton's estranged husband broke into her rural Vermont home, beat her with a baseball bat, and doused her with industrial-strength lye ... Tarleton spent the next… |
OL23173437W |
La force de s'affranchir
Johanne Ouimette |
Vous vous questionnez au sujet de votre vie actuelle, passée ou future? Vous avez vécu des situations qui ont eu des répercussions négatives sur votre indentité ainsi que sur votre façon de vivre? Ce… |
OL24722283W |
Domestic violence
Illinois. Attorney General's Office |
Any person who hits, chokes, kicks, threatens, harasses, or interferes with the personal liberty of another family or household member has broken Illinois domestic violence law.
Under Illinois law, … |
OL24943933W |
Little Texas sweetheart
Julia Chadwell |
This gripping story of one woman's spiritual, mental, and physical journey across America takes you through the terror of domestic violence. Her ordeal and transformation reveal the human condition, … |
OL27957522W |
Sleeping with the enemy
Nancy Price |
Sara, driven to the brink of despair by the physical and emotional abuse of her obsessive husband, Martin, hits upon a strategy to forge a new identity, independent of his disturbed domination. |
OL4305644W |
No more secrets
Nina J. Weinstein |
Sixteen-year-old Mandy remembers being raped at the age of eight by an acquaintance of her mother's and feels her guilt and anger damaging her attitude toward boys and destroying her relationship wit… |
OL4453340W |
Elizabeth von Arnim |
Two bereaved people find each other and become entangled, one superficially and the other confusedly. |
OL7972468W |