Sex offending
Jill D. Stinson |
Why do some men commit sex offenses? While the question might seem straightforward, the answer is anything but. In this book, the authors review and critique existing theories and the supporting lite… |
OL11899007W |
Autism and Creativity is a stimulating study of male creativity and autism, arguing that a major genetic endowment is a prerequisite of genius, and that cultural and environmental factors are less si… |
OL13622459W |
Demonic males
Dale Peterson,Richard Wrangham |
Whatever their virtues, men are more violent than women. Why do men kill, rape, and wage war, and what can we do about it? Drawing on the latest discoveries about human evolution and about our closes… |
OL19664414W |
Resilient widowers
Dorothy C. Stratton,Alinde J. Moore |
Provides information on traits of men who continue to live fulfilled lives after the deaths of their spouses. |
OL20915919W |
Men and sex
Gary R. Brooks,Ronald F. Levant |
The book begins with an examination of nonrelational sexuality - the tendency to experience sex primarily as lust without any requirements for relational intimacy or emotional attachment. The central… |
OL20965671W |
De overbodige man
Anthony W. Clare |
Analyse van de veranderende plaats van de man in de maatschappij en de gewijzigde opvattingen omtrent het begrip mannelijkheid. |
OL24990129W |
De mannen van Nederland
Sophie Perrier |
Gesprekken met 35 buitenlandse vrouwen over hun ervaring met Nederlandse mannen. Aandacht voor o.m.: zijn uiterlijk en gedrag, jaloezie, flirten, seks, rolverdeling in het huishouden. |
OL26178308W |
Mannen in soorten en maten
Marlies Brenters |
Beschrijving van acht mannelijke archetypen, op basis van de Griekse mythologie.
Verklaring van mannelijk gedrag aan de hand van een achttal persoonlijkheidstypen, ontleend aan de Griekse mythologie. |
OL26183577W |
I don't want to talk about it
Terrence Real |
Terrence Real explains how many men, feeling the stigma of depression's 'unmanliness', conceal their condition from their families, friends and even from themselves. He brings into the open a topic t… |
OL3340490W |
Alienated affections
Seymour Kleinberg |
Explores the condition of gays in America, discussing "gay sensibility," gay men passing as straight, the "peculiar relation" (gay men and straight women), the new masculinity of gay men, S-M, bondag… |
OL6332971W |
Between Men
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick |
Hailed by the "New York Times" as "one of the most influential texts in gender studies, men's studies and gay studies," this book uncovers the homosocial desire between men, from Restoration comedies… |
OL9243005W |