Ulama besar dari Patani
Ahmad Fathy al-Fatani. |
Biography of Malay ulamas from Pattani, a province in Thailand. |
OL14956893W |
E. V. Revunenkova |
Literary and textual criticism on Sulalat-us-Salatin or Sejarah Melayu, a Malay classic literature. |
OL18677369W |
Dunia Melayu
Mohd. Yusof Hasan |
Socio-culture of Malay; papers of a seminar. |
OL18826256W |
The Sri Lankan Malays and their language =
B. D. K. Saldin |
Comparison of the Malay language spoken by the Malays in Sri Lanka with those in Malaysia and Indonesia. |
OL2599719W |
Budaya Melayu, budaya Cina, dan Islam
Tham, Seong Chee. |
Towards harmonious relations between Chinese and Malay-Islamic cultures in Singapore. |
OL2611361W |
Budi Kritik
Nurul Fadiah Johari,Mohamed Imran Mohamed Taib |
Why is it important to imbibe a thinking culture? What can contemporary Malays contribute by way of an active intellectual and social life towards reform and progress? Where are the loci of critical … |
OL27025370W |
Bicara tentang adat dan tradisi
Mas |
Malay customs and traditions. |
OL3443241W |
Persandingan di kalangan masyarakat Melayu dan pandangan Islam terhadapnya
Fatimah bte. Ali. |
Malay traditional wedding ceremony from Islamic viewpoint in Kelantan State, Malaysia. |
OL4605680W |
Malay Muslims
Robert Day McAmis |
"Although Muslims of the Malay race are the largest ethnic community of Muslims in the world, they are little known in the Western hemisphere. Writing as an American Christian missionary who lived am… |
OL5957061W |