The shaking woman, or, a history of my nerves
Siri Hustvedt |
Autobiographie. Essai |
OL13648986W |
Anatomy of an Epidemic
Robert Whitaker |
In this astonishing and startling book, award-winning science and history writer Robert Whitaker investigates a medical mystery: Why has the number of disabled mentally ill in the United States tripl… |
OL16105659W |
Encyclopedia of mental health
Howard S. Friedman |
"Edited by Howard S. Friedman of the University of California/Riverside (called "the most cited psychologist" by the Social Science Citation Index), this work will be informative and accessible to co… |
OL16456167W |
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
American Psychiatric Association |
Prepared by the Work Group to Revise DSM-III of the American Psychiatric Association. |
OL16956094W |
The First Session with Children and Adolescents
Alvin E. House |
"The initial evaluation of a client, whether in a formal diagnostic process or as a first therapy contact, is the beginning of the process of providing that client with help. This book provides a tho… |
OL1883029W |
Sexual offending against children
Marcus Erooga,Tony Morrison |
Practice, policy and management issues involved in assessing and treating sexual offenders against children. Written by a multi-disciplinary group of leading practitioners. Invaluable. |
OL19498706W |
Genetics of mental disorders
Stephen V. Faraone,Debby W. Tsuang,Ming T. Tsuang |
"This volume offers a comprehensive and readable introduction to the science and practice of psychiatric genetics. The authors illuminate the complex interplay of genes and environmental factors invo… |
OL20143846W |
Challenges in clinical practice
Michael W. Otto,Mark H. Pollack,J. F. Rosenbaum |
This book should be of value to psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, and others treating individuals with psychiatric disorders, as well as researchers and students interested in thi… |
OL20495827W |
Psychotropic drugs
Norman L. Keltner,David G. Folks |
"A versatile resource for the clinical setting, Psychotropic Drugs, Fourth Edition, is two books in one. It's a quick reference for specific drugs, and a source of in-depth information about psychotr… |
OL20720117W |
The psychospiritual clinician's handbook
Sharon G. Mijares,Gurucharan Singh Khalsa |
"This essential handbook is a window on the quiet revolution now sweeping the field of psychology, that of locating the whole human being in the center of the therapeutic process. The Psychospiritual… |
OL20816185W |
Assessment in Cognitive Therapy
David A. Clark |
This volume brings together leading experts to explore the state of the art of cognitive clinical assessment and identify cutting-edge approaches of interest to clinicians and researchers. The book h… |
OL20932593W |
La dernière course de Mado Bélanger
Francine Allard |
Mado (seize ans) et sa grande amie Séverine vont travailler à Disneyworld pour la saison d'été. Elles sont logées chez Arnold Vincent. Celui-ci, comme sa voisine Margaret Taylor, s'occupe de déficien… |
OL21628560W |
Mad Girl
Bryony Gordon |
343 pages (large print) ; 23 cm |
OL21633668W |
Vlad et moi et les nids-de-poule
Brigitte Huppen |
Ni sa mère ni son père n'étant capables de prendre soins de lui, Lucas vit avec son grand-père Vlad. Or, depuis peu, ce dernier s'enferme parfois dans son monde. Un travailleur social suit leur foyer… |
OL24163579W |
Le cerveau et le système nerveux
Steve Parker |
Une documentation structurée à caractère didactique, rédigée dans un style clair et un vocabulaire technique. Schémas explicatifs, illustrations, ajoutent à la précision du texte. [SDM]. |
OL24278574W |
Protège-moi de mes désirs
Peter McPhee |
Échaudée par une relation amoureuse qui a très mal tourné il y a quelques années, Emily se sent désormais prête à tenter sa chance en amour. Or, lorsqu'un habitué du cybercafé de Calgary, où elle tra… |
OL24293689W |
Les enfants du labyrinthe
Claude Carré |
Le voyage en Angleterre commence mal pour Jenny, Yann et Michka ... Après avoir raté leur avion, ils passent la nuit dans un hôtel lugubre et isolé. Bientôt, les trois amis comprennent qu'ils sont pr… |
OL27717435W |
Fugue in green
Brenda Clews |
"Fugue in Green is a gothic fairy tale. Two teens struggle with their psychotic mother as they seek asylum with their father. In resonant, echoing images of psychic connections between characters, a … |
OL28591765W |
Aunt Beck
Roland D. Mullins |
"Sometimes subtly funny, sometimes heartbreakingly sad, this Southern Gothic story weaves the twisted relationship between Aunt Beck, her niece, Old Carl, Freddie, and a host of other caricatures wit… |
OL28774899W |
Call me crazy
Quinn Loftis |
After a devastating turn of events, seventeen year old Tally Baker is admitted to Mercy Psychiatric Facility where she is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. She has come to a place where she honestly b… |
OL28950537W |