Only yesterday
Frederick Lewis Allen |
A social history of the United States during the "roaring twenties." Examines American individualism and the decade that they knew Mah Jong and Mencken, Couéism and Coolidge, Listerine and Lindbergh… |
OL1212453W |
Over here
David M. Kennedy |
Chronicles the years of World War I and discusses the impact of World War I on American society, including workers, women, and blacks. |
OL1997095W |
The meaning of the library
Alice Crawford |
"Tracing what the library has meant since its beginning, examining how its significance has shifted, and pondering its importance in the twenty-first century, significant contributors--including the … |
OL20005126W |
Contemporary British society
Andrew Sayer,Sue Penna,Nicholas Abercrombie,Sylvia Walby,Alan Warde,John Urry,Rosemary Deem,Keith Soothill |
"The third edition of the Contemporary British Society is the only textbook to provide comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the social structure of modern Britain. Completely revised and updated,… |
OL22132921W |
De nieuwe mens
Francis Fukuyama |
Behandeling van de politieke, sociale en culturele consequenties van biotechnologie. |
OL24821868W |
De wil van technologie
Kevin Kelly |
Filosofisch getinte beschouwing over de autonome ontwikkeling van technologie en de maatschappelijke uitwerking daarvan. |
OL24822570W |
Medieval civilization, 400-1500
Jacques Le Goff |
This 1000-year history of the civilization of western Europe has been recognized in France as a scholarly contribution of the highest order and as a popular classic. Jacques Le Goff has written a boo… |
OL24842216W |
Nederlandse democratie
Doorn, J.A.A. van socioloog |
Essays door de Nederlandse socioloog (1925-2008). |
OL26398001W |
Post-capitalist society
Peter F. Drucker |
Business guru Peter Drucker provides an incisive analysis of the major world transformation taking place, from the Age of Capitalism to the Knowledge Society, and examines the radical effects it will… |
OL2721823W |
Het einde van de man
Hanna Rosin |
Beschrijving op basis van wetenschappelijk onderzoek van de veranderende verhoudingen tussen mannen en vrouwen in de moderne maatschappij. |
OL27971468W |
Mijn Zuid-Afrika
Erik van Ees |
Korte reisreportages over allerlei aspecten van de Zuid-Afrikaanse samenleving. |
OL27975900W |
From imperial myth to democracy
Lawrence Ward Beer |
"While English-language studies of Japanese law have enjoyed remarkable growth in the past half-century, scholars have given only scant attention to the broad sweep of Japan's constitutional history.… |
OL3255399W |
A beauty that hurts
W. George Lovell |
"Personal testimonial of the impact of the 1954-96 Guatemalan civil war, written by an historical geographer with years of research experience in the country. Beautifully written book focuses on the … |
OL3387142W |
The two cultures
C. P. Snow |
*The Two Cultures* is the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow. Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was … |
OL3412165W |
Poetry as an occupation and an art in Britain, 1760-1830
Peter T. Murphy |
This is a great literary criticism work. It serves as an excellent companion to An Duanaire 1600-1900: Poems of the Dispossessed. It oozes historical significance. Rather than fall into the pitfall o… |
OL4305825W |
Crown and mitre
Robert Neill |
Mr Burnaby, who had escaped from prison that afternoon, thought he must be going mad; or else London was. His escape had been mad enough. He had simply walked out. This very afternoon, Thursday Octob… |
OL6566466W |
Modern Mongolia
Paula L. W. Sabloff |
"This book provides factual information about Mongolia and new ways of looking at Genghis Khan, whose ideals of nationhood and democratic principles are in practice now." "The book opens with an over… |
OL8448536W |
This Is Cuba
Ben Corbett |
"Beyond the throngs of tourists streaming through Central Havana's broad Prado Avenue, and outside the yoke of Castro's 43-year-old Revolutionary program, there exists a parallel Cuba - a separate ev… |
OL8498020W |