Car science
Richard Hammond |
"An under-the-hood, behind-the-dash look at how cars work"--Cover. |
OL24107328W |
Jazz chez la mécanicienne
Dominique Drouin |
Tout allait bien, quand tout à coup, la voiture s'arrête. Comment cela se fait-il? On ne peut être déjà rendus à l'aéroport? Théo jette un coup d'oeil par-dessus le banc. Tout ce qu'il voit, c'est un… |
OL24274200W |
67 cents
Thomas M. Cirignano |
"A South Boston garage owner is drawn into the Mob by accepting increasingly risky assignments. His large, secure shop is the perfect place for storing hijacked trucks, holding covert meetings, and m… |
OL28172387W |
Gus the mechanic and the old granfather car
Gus Blank |
Gus the mechanic is a fixer. He fixes cars, trucks and other things to. He and this partner, Frankie the mouse, like helping people, which makes them feel really good. Frankie is not only a partner b… |
OL28941983W |