Out of the mountains
David Kilcullen |
"In Out of the Mountains, David Kilcullen, one of the world's leading experts on modern warfare, offers a groundbreaking look ahead at what may happen after the war in Afghanistan ends. It is a book … |
OL19973663W |
Genocide and Crisis in Central Africa
Christian P. Scherrer |
Scherrer examines the ethnicized conflicts, periodic war, and genocide in Rwanda and Burundi. The 1994 genocide in Rwanda may have resulted in the murder of a million Tutsi and moderate Hutu, while t… |
OL2178705W |
The Militarization of the U.S.-Mexico Border, 1978-1992
Timothy J. Dunn |
"Focuses on the growing militarization of US immigration and drug policy along Mexico/US border. Well-researched monograph examines potential for human rights violations by Border Patrol operations a… |
OL3520322W |
Shadow warriors
Tom Clancy |
An unconventional war requires unconventional men-the Special Forces.Green Berets Navy SEALS Rangers Air Force Special Operations PsyOps Civil Affairs and other special-mission unitsThe first two Com… |
OL448964W |