Command area development programmes
M. Venkata Reddy |
With particular reference to Karnataka, India. |
OL1039090W |
Working and growing up in America
Jeylan T. Mortimer |
"Should teenagers have jobs while they're in high school? Doesn't working distract them from schoolwork, cause long-term problem behaviors, and precipitate a "precocious" transition to adulthood?".
… |
OL13605569W |
Longitudinal data analysis
Jason T. Newsom |
"This book provides accessible treatment to state-of-the-art approaches to analyzing longitudinal studies. Comprehensive coverage of the most popular analysis tools allows readers to pick and choose … |
OL16298117W |
American Indians and Alaska natives in postsecondary education
D. Michael Pavel |
1 volume (various pagings) : 28 cm |
OL18291758W |
Does divorce make people happy?
Linda J. Waite |
Reports on a late 1980s survey of 5,232 married adults, 645 of whom rated their marriages as unhappy. Five years later two-thirds of the unhappily married who stayed married were happily married. One… |
OL19159744W |
Children of the Great Depression
Glen H. Elder |
"In this work first published in 1974, Glen H. Elder, Jr. presents the first longitudinal study of a Depression cohort. He follows 167 individuals born in 1920-1921 from their elementary school days … |
OL1916554W |
Chance for change
Joseph Papsidero |
x, 142 pages ; 24 cm |
OL19451429W |
The life project
Helen Pearson |
"In March 1946, scientists began to track thousands of children born in one cold week. No one imagined that this would become the longest-running study of human development in the world, growing to e… |
OL20027308W |
Multivariate Applications In Substance Use Research
Jennifer S. Rose,Laurie Chassin |
This edited volume introduces the latest advances in quantitative methods and illustrates ways to apply these methods to important questions in substance use research. The goal is to provide a forum … |
OL20435042W |
Shared beginnings, divergent lives
John H. Laub,Robert J. Sampson |
This is an analysis of data on crime and social development up to the age of 70 for 500 men who were remanded to reform school in the 1940s in the USA. The book updates their lives at the close of th… |
OL20547498W |
Longitudinal field research methods
Andrew H. Van de Ven,George P. Huber |
Eleven papers, some of which have appeared previously as contributions to the journal Organizational Science , emphasize a range of methodological issues involved in longitudinal field research, incl… |
OL20885155W |
Keepin' On
Mark A. Fine,Kathy R., Ph.D. Thornburg,Edward (FWD) Zigler,Jean Ispa |
xxii, 363 p. : 23 cm |
OL21711894W |
Growing up girl
Helen Lucey,June Melody,Valerie Walkerdine |
"Growing up Girl traces the lives of girls from their early childhood to young adulthood to explore how transformations in class identities are impacting on their lives. Set against a backdrop of dei… |
OL2244328W |
Understanding families over time
Janet Holland,Rosalind Edwards |
Based on a large-scale qualitative longitudinal study of the life course conducted in the UK (Timescapes Study), this unique collection reveals close-up--and in their own words--the experiences of ch… |
OL23395399W |
Managing to make it
Thomas D. Cook,Jr., Glen H. Elder,Jr., Frank F. Furstenberg,Jacquelynne Eccles |
"One of the myths about families in inner-city neighborhoods is that they are characterized by poor parenting. The distinguished sociologist Frank Furstenberg and his colleagues explode this and othe… |
OL24317458W |
First-year maternal employment and child development in the first 7 years
Jeanne Brooks-Gunn |
Using data from the first two phases of the NICHD Study of Early Child Care, the links between maternal employment in the first 12 months of life and cognitive, social, and emotional outcomes for chi… |
OL24843264W |
Nutrition and growth in infancy and early childhood
M. Gracey,N. E. Hitchcock,A. I. Gilmour,E. N. Owles |
Abstract: A monograph for pediatricians, clinical nutritionists, and other health care professional dealing with the role of nutrition in the perinatal development of infants presents the results of … |
OL27036881W |
We're Still Family
Constance Ahrons |
What is the real legacy of divorce? To answer this question, Constance Ahrons, Ph.D., interviewed one hundred and seventy-three grown children whose divorcing parents she had interviewed twenty years… |
OL273407W |
Life Style and Criminality
Hans Göppinger |
This monograph contains the results of an interdisciplinary study into the life histories of male delinquents. Conducted by the Institute of Criminology at the University of Tübingen, it compares the… |
OL2877551W |
Heidi's horse
Sylvia Fein |
Heidi's Horse is an analysis of a child's artistic life. It reveals that in their drawings all children sequentially obey universal imperatives which are identical to those in the history of mankind'… |
OL3153507W |