Get outside
Jane Drake |
A treasury of outdoor-themed games and activities for each season offers scientific and historical trivia to accompany instructions for such ideas as building a sundial, making a kite, playing Spud, … |
OL17906458W |
Wilderness navigation
Bob Burns |
This best selling guide gives you a solid handle on the essential tools and proven techniques of top notch navigators. You will find the know-how to interpret maps, use a compass and altimeter, and n… |
OL1997598W |
Wild adventures
Mick Manning |
Develop self-sufficiency skills and explore nature with the activities in this book. Topics covered include: tracking skills; wildlife spotting; foraging for wild food and cooking outdoors; how to l… |
OL20002131W |
Backyards and butterflies
Doreen Greenstein |
Tells how to build accessible gardens, swings, and picnic tables. |
OL20900680W |
Le grand livre des activités nature
Bénédicte Boudassou |
Guide pratique pour randonneurs et randonneuses en herbe, amateurs de plein air et amoureux de la nature, proposant une somme de conseils, astuces, trucs, informations, jeux, constructions, recettes … |
OL24279137W |
C'est l'hiver
Jimmy Pickering |
Le sol s'étant couvert de neige, Suzie et son chien Sam s'empressent d'en profiter. Ensemble, ils respirent l'air froid et piquant, dessinent des anges tout blancs, attrapent la neige avec la langue,… |
OL24645480W |
Je m'amuse en plein air
Angela Wilkes |
6 chapitres thématiques : vivre en plein air, découvrir la nature, faire un jardin, observer oiseaux et insectes, fabriquer des jouets. Une présentation par double page, avec, pour chaque activité : … |
OL27060152W |
The outdoor facilitator's handbook
Curt Davidson |
"The Outdoor Facilitator's Handbook is an essential resource for any person using facilitation techniques in the outdoors. This handbook offers facilitators an innovative new framework for making la… |
OL28760019W |
Pete Sanders |
Provides tips for keeping safe in various outdoor situations. |
OL489630W |