Perfectly irrational
Dan Ariely |
The provocative follow-up to the New York Times bestseller Predictably IrrationalWhy can large bonuses make CEOs less productive?How can confusing directions actually help us?Why is revenge so import… |
OL14958701W |
This sentence is false
Peter Cave |
Surveys paradoxes in philosophy, thinking, and language. |
OL15022527W |
Developing Semantic Web Services
H. Peter Alesso,Craig F. Smith |
[Author Website][1]
[1]: http://www.hpeteralesso.com |
OL15192729W |
Avi Sion |
Phenomenology is the study of appearance as such. It is a branch of both Ontology and Epistemology, since appearing is being known. By an ‘appearance’ is meant any existent which impinges on consciou… |
OL15401719W |
Logical and Spiritual Reflections
Avi Sion |
Logical and Spiritual Reflections is a collection of six shorter philosophical works, including: Hume’s Problems with Induction; A Short Critique of Kant’s Unreason; In Defense of Aristotle’s Laws of… |
OL15402499W |
The advancement of learning
Francis Bacon |
The Advancement of Learning (full title: Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Human) is a 1605 book by Francis Bacon. It inspired the taxonomic structure of the highly influenti… |
OL15403036W |
Logic Pro 9 and Logic Express 9
David Nahmani |
This book is a comprehensive introduction to professional audio production with Logic Studio. It uses real-world music and hands-on exercises to teach you how to record, arrange, mix, produce, and po… |
OL15478415W |
Many-Valued Logic between the Degrees of Truth and the Limits of Knowledge
Salah Osman |
هو أول كتاب باللغة العربية يعرض لمراحل وآليات تطور المنطق الرمزي المعاصر متعدد القيم بأنساقه المختلفة، مركزًا على مشكلة الغموض المعرفي للإنسان بأبعادها اللغوية والإبستمولوجية والأنطولوجية، والتي تتجل… |
OL16797250W |
God and logic in Islam
John Walbridge |
"This book investigates the central role of reason in Islamic intellectual life. Despite widespread characterization of Islam as a system of belief based only on revelation, John Walbridge argues tha… |
OL16968588W |
Introducing Logic (Introducing...)
Bill Mayblin,Dan Cryan,Sharron Shatil |
Logic is the backbone of Western civilization, holding together its systems of philosophy, science and law. Yet despite logic's widely acknowledged importance, it remains an unbroken seal for many, d… |
OL17775502W |
Predicate Logic (Introduction to Logic)
Howard Pospesel |
xv, 282 p. : 23 cm. + |
OL18239814W |
Abductive Reasoning and Learning
Dov M. Gabbay |
This book contains leading survey papers on the various aspects of Abduction, both logical and numerical approaches. Abduction is central to all areas of applied reasoning, including artificial intel… |
OL19823432W |
Algorithms: Main Ideas and Applications
Vladimir Uspensky |
The theory of algorithms not only answers philosophical questions but also is eminently applicable to practical computing, as well as to software and hardware design. This book presents exact mathema… |
OL19825595W |
Domains and Processes
Klaus Keimel |
Domain theory is a rich interdisciplinary area at the intersection of logic, computer science, and mathematics. This volume contains selected papers presented at the International Symposium on Domain… |
OL19843951W |
Dynamic Worlds
Remo Pareschi |
Reasoning is an integral part of intelligent systems in fields like databases, logic programming, robotics, knowledge engineering, human/computer interfaces, programming environments, etc. In reality… |
OL19844544W |
Formal Aspects of Context
Pierre Bonzon |
The First International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modelling and Using Context, Rio de Janeiro, January 1997, gave rise to the present book, which contains a selection of the papers presente… |
OL19850808W |
The Foundational Debate
Werner Depauli-Schimanovich |
Constructibility and complexity play central roles in recent research in computer science, mathematics and physics. For example, scientists are investigating the complexity of computer programs, cons… |
OL19850972W |
Fuzzy Sets, Logics and Reasoning about Knowledge
Didier Dubois |
Fuzzy Sets, Logics and Reasoning about Knowledge reports recent results concerning the genuinely logical aspects of fuzzy sets in relation to algebraic considerations, knowledge representation and co… |
OL19852056W |
An Introduction to Mathematical Logic and Type Theory: To Truth Through Proof
Peter B. Andrews |
In case you are considering to adopt this book for courses with over 50 students, please contact [email protected] for more information. This introduction to mathematical logic starts with p… |
OL19859073W |
Probabilistic Logic in a Coherent Setting
G. Coletti,R. Scozzafava |
The approach to probability theory followed in this book (which differs radically from the usual one, based on a measure-theoretic framework) characterizes probability as a linear operator rather tha… |
OL19896704W |