Genèses flaubertiennes
Éric Le Calvez |
"Genèses flaubertiennes emprunte la voie déjà tracée par Flaubert topographe (1997) et La Production du descriptif (2002) d'Éric Le Calvez et aborde la genèse de l'œuvre de Flaubert avec des question… |
OL19852392W |
Pandora im Kongo
Albert Sánchez Piñol |
Im Kongo, diesem endlosen Meer von Bäumen, geschehen seltsame Dinge. Was bedeutet das unheimliche Kreischen aus der Tiefe? Sind das die Klänge der afrikanischen Nacht? Oder der Schrei nach Vergeltung… |
OL24161471W |
Economical writing
Deirdre N. McCloskey |
A series of short (1 to 3 page) chapters in a small (5 by 7 inch) book about writing, aimed at economists but useful for any technical writers. |
OL2721629W |
On Writing Well
William Zinsser |
In addition to exploring the techniques of nonfiction writing, Zinsser discusses sexism in writing, jargon, and psychological writing blocks. |
OL2742235W |
Love That Dog
Sharon Creech |
*Love that Dog* is a story about a young boy named Jack, and how he learns to love poetry. At the same time, he learns to open up about his feelings on a subject learned only if you read the book. Th… |
OL31545W |
El escritor y sus fantasmas
Ernesto Sabato |
Este libro —nos dice Ernesto Sabato en su pórtico— está constituido por variaciones de un solo tema, tema que me ha obsesionado desde que escribo: ¿por qué, cómo y para qué se escriben ficciones?-;No… |
OL8261167W |
Eat My Words
Janet Theophano |
"Some people think that a cookbook is just a collection of recipes for dishes that feed the body. In Eat My Words: Reading Women's Lives through the Cookbooks They Wrote, Janet Theophano shows that c… |
OL8717053W |