The Fiction of Narrative
Hayden White |
Hayden White is celebrated as one of the great minds in the humanities. Since the publication of his groundbreaking monograph, Metahistory, in 1973, White's work has been crucial to disciplines where… |
OL15296274W |
Rereading modernism
Lisa Rado |
viii, 395 p. ; 23 cm |
OL19520842W |
Women in literature
David Sadker,Jerilyn Fisher,Ellen S. Silber |
Publisher's description: With the literary canon consisting mostly of works created by and about men, the central perspective is decidedly male. This unique reference offers alternate approaches to r… |
OL19821853W |
Memory in Literature
Suzanne Nalbantian |
"This book is the first to discover and probe in depth memory phenomena captured in literary works. Using literature as a laboratory for the workings of the mind, this comparative study of writers fr… |
OL3468672W |
Literary atheism
David James Gordon |
"Literary Atheism analyzes a number of oppositional engagements with the idea of God and, in general, explores the tension between the more absolute language of religion and the freer language of lit… |
OL3738693W |
The Second Common Reader
Virginia Woolf |
Contains 26 essays on aspects of English literature. Among her subjects are the writings of Mary Wollstonecraft, Dorothy Wordsworth, and Christina Rossetti. She also reflects on the poetry of John Do… |
OL39589W |
The road of excess
Marcus Boon |
"From the antiquity of Homer to yesterday's Naked Lunch, writers have found inspiration, and readers have lost themselves, in a world of the imagination tinged and oftentimes transformed by drugs. Th… |
OL5961741W |
Mimesis and Theory
René Girard,Robert Doran |
Mimesis and Theory brings together twenty of René Girard's uncollected essays on literature and literary theory, which, along with his classic, Deceit, Desire, and the Novel, have left an indelible m… |
OL8241414W |