Neurophilosophy of Free Will
Henrik Walter |
"Neuroscientists routinely investigate such classical philosophical topics as consciousness, thought, language, meaning, aesthetics, and death. According to Henrik Walter, philosophers should in turn… |
OL2263136W |
Leonardo Padura |
En 1939, un bateau transportant 900 Juifs jette l'ancre à La Havane en attendant l'autorisation de débarquer ses passagers. Daniel Kaminsky et son oncle attendent sur le quai l'arrivée de leur famill… |
OL26172174W |
The dilemma of freedom and foreknowledge
Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski |
This original analysis examines the three leading traditional solutions to the dilemma of divine foreknowledge and human free will--those arising from Boethius, from Ockham, and from Molina. Though … |
OL2941378W |
The Mediating Self
Mitchell Aboulafia |
In this pathbreaking book Mitchell Aboulafia considers the development of the sense of self by critically analyzing the philosophies of George Herbert Mead--an American pragmatist who argues that sel… |
OL5103914W |
Free Will and Reactive Attitudes
Michael S. Mckenna |
The debate over free will and responsibility has received an enormous resurgence of interest and the contribution in 1962 by P F Strawson with the publication of his essay "Freedom and Resentment" ha… |
OL9491500W |