Rose of no man's land
Michelle Tea |
Fourteen-year-old Trisha Driscoll is a gender-blurring, self-described loner whose family expects nothing of her. While her mother lies on the couch in a hypochondriac haze and her sister aspires to … |
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Tales From Perach
Shira Glassman |
Seven queer fantasy shorts set in the tropical Jewish world of the Mangoverse novels. “Your Name is Love” An energetic royal guard takes her artist wife on a scavenger hunt around the city so she can… |
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Down under
Marc vande Gucht |
Personal account by a Belgian man whose daughter committed suicide after a number of serious depressions. |
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Jane Futcher |
In her final year at a prestigious boarding school, reserved, artistic Jinx is badly hurt by the treachery of the rich, pretty girl she has considered her best friend. |
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Shirley Jackson |
Seventeen-year-old Natalie Waite longs to escape home for college. Her father is a domineering and egotistical writer who keeps a tight rein on Natalie and her long-suffering mother. When Natalie fin… |
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