Double take
Kevin Michael Connolly |
Double takeA rapid or surprised second look, either literal or figurative, at a person or situation whose significance has not been completely grasped at first.Kevin Michael Connolly is a twenty-thre… |
OL13847425W |
Piernas, rodillas, pies, y dedos
Lola M. Schaefer |
A simple introduction to how we use our legs and feet and how these parts of the body are structured. |
OL15277939W |
A Leg to Stand on
Oliver Sacks |
Dr. Oliver Sacks's books *Awakenings*, *An Anthropologist on Mars* and the bestselling *The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat* have been acclaimed for their extraordinary compassion in the treatment… |
OL1811908W |
Arms and legs and other limbs
Allan Fowler |
Compares the two arms and two legs that humans have with the limbs of other animals and how they are used. |
OL1893214W |
Bolezni nog i ikh lechenie tradit͡sionnymi i netradit͡sionnymi metodami
A. V. Nesterova |
How to keep your legs healthy for life: this book offers tips and traditional and nontraditional methods for individuals seeking early prevention and treatment options for various diseases that could… |
OL19870784W |
She's got legs
Jane Merrill |
"Explore fashion history with legs at center stage -- from the dawn of civilization through current-day trends. This book examines society's role in moving hemlines and in shaping "legcentric" tradit… |
OL20036482W |
How Many Legs?
Kes Gray |
How many legs would there be if a polar bear came for tea? How high would the leg count go if a squid rode in on a buffalo? As more and more animals join in the fun, count along if you can! |
OL20197395W |
2, 4, 6, 8 legs
Patricia Brennan |
Count by twos with legs of various animals, insects, birds, and children. |
OL24246186W |
Carried by angels
Phillip Hatfield |
This inspiring story is about angels coming and going when least expected. It is about triumph over a terrible tragedy and living a new life with purpose and passion as an amputee and dis-abled man. … |
OL24689138W |
Two, four, six, eight
Ethel Kessler |
Depicts the legs of various creatures, including humans, and some of their uses. |
OL3634649W |
The adventures of Flash Jackson
William Kowalski |
Haley Bombauer, aka Flash Jackson, confronts the summer of her seventeenth year with glorious anticipation. She envisions herself roaming the hillsides and forests on her beloved horse, venturing far… |
OL38343W |
The goose with three wings
Sandra Brooks |
Self-conscious about having one leg shorter than the other, Jenny learns to accept herself after doing a report on a three-winged goose. |
OL4488857W |
What's in a leg?
Janice Schwegler |
Describes what's in a leg and how it is able to move. |
OL5062611W |