Somewhere, home
Nada A. Jarrar |
This remarkable novel, winner of the Commonwealth Writers' Prize, tells the story of three women, each of them far from where they came, all of whom are still searching for somewhere that can be call… |
OL11648010W |
A girl made of dust
Nathalie Abi-Ezzi |
1980s Lebanon. Eight-year-old Ruba lives in a village outside Beirut. From her family home she can see the city's buildings and hear the rumble of shelling. As civil war tears the country apart, Ruba… |
OL14982333W |
The Olive Tree
Elsa Marston |
The house next door to Sameer's had been empty for as long as he could remember. The family had gone away when the war began. But now they were back, and he was ready to have fun with his new playmat… |
OL17335094W |
Ron Leshem |
Beaufort is at once a searing coming-ofage story and a novel for our times - one of the most powerful, visceral portraits of the horror, camaraderie, and absurdity of war in modern fiction." "Beaufor… |
OL17728610W |
Sami and the time of the troubles
Florence Parry Heide,Judith Heide Gilliland |
A ten-year-old Lebanese boy goes to school, helps his mother with chores, plays with his friends, and lives with his family in a basement shelter when bombings occur and fighting begins on his street. |
OL1826313W |
Limbo Beirut
Hilāl Shūmān |
"In Hilal Chouman's Limbo Beirut, a gay artist, a struggling novelist, a pregnant woman, a disabled engineering student, a former militia member, and a medical intern all take turns narrating the vio… |
OL20036859W |
The Gabriel Hounds
Mary Stewart |
It's all a grand adventure when Christy Mansel unexpectedly runs into her cousin Charles in Damascus. And being young, rich, impetuous, and used to doing whatever they please, they decide to barge in… |
OL213268W |
Duet in Beirut
MishkĐah Ben-DavĐid |
When Ronen, an expelled Mossad agent, vanishes after a failed assassination attempt against a Hezbollah operative responsible for suicide bombings in Israel, Gadi, his former commander, must find Ron… |
OL24261965W |
A good land
Nada A. Jarrar |
Marie was once a fighter in the French resistance. Strong-willed and wise, she exudes the peace of a woman who has lived her life fully. She sees Leila's loneliness in their shared apartment block in… |
OL24641339W |
Oranges in No Man's Land
Elizabeth Laird |
There is a girl, who is 10 years old, and she lives in a county called Lebanon. Suddenly there was a war, called Civil war. I really like this book it is irresitible to read! |
OL28692W |