Failures of American civil justice in international perspective
James Maxeiner |
"Civil justice in the United States is neither civil nor just. Instead it embodies a maxim that the American legal system is a paragon of legal process which assures its citizens a fair and equal tre… |
OL15921204W |
Claus-Dieter Müller-Hengstenberg |
Komplexe DV-Projekte sind mit Vorgehensmodellen oder Phasenkonzepten ökonomischer und präziser durchzuführen. Die Autoren, beide Juristen, greifen auf vielfältige Erfahrungen aus der Praxis mit Großp… |
OL19844335W |
A Passing Fury
A. T. Williams |
1 volume : 20 cm |
OL20227042W |
Übungen in internationalem Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung
Dagmar Coester-Waltjen |
This book contains an introduction to the exam process and 18 model exams with detailed answers to test the student at Bar Exam level. The student can make himself/herself familiar with the exam chal… |
OL2286070W |
Beyond Justice
Rebecca Wittmann |
In 1963, West Germany was gripped by a dramatic trial of former guards who had worked at the Nazi death camp Auschwitz. It was the largest and most public trial to take place in the country and attra… |
OL8275973W |