Quick & easy curb appeal
Better Homes and Gardens |
You can dramatically boost your home's value-- and your satisfaction as a homeowner-- with simple, affordable weekend projects. |
OL16135221W |
Graphic standards field guide to softscape
Leonard J. Hopper |
"Part of Wiley's new Graphic Standard Field Guides series, Graphic Standards Field Guide to Softscape is the reference for the on-the-go professional. The perfect companion to the main Landscape Arch… |
OL16485726W |
Life along the Hudson
Pieter Estersohn |
This scenic stretch of estates along the Hudson offers some of the finest examples of American architecture and landscape design. The edition's thirty-five featured homes were designed in a range of … |
OL19764275W |
Bauen & Handwerken im Garten
Hannelore Hanus |
Hauptbeschreibung Wie Sie einen Grill- oder Sitzplatz selbst planen und bauen können, zeigt der Autor in diesem Buch. Er erklärt Ihnen nicht nur die genaue Vorgehensweise, sondern Sie erfahren auch a… |
OL19829950W |
Landscape designer
Helen Mason |
Provides information for people who want to explore the career of a landscape designer, including the skills, equipment, and education. |
OL24277170W |
Un jardin de fleurs au Québec
Daniel Fortin |
Une itinitaion à la culture des fleurs et à l'aménagement paysager. On y présente un choix intéressant de fleurs vivaces, annuelles, bulbes, arbustes et rosiers permettant de structurer un jardin sel… |
OL24305746W |
Gordon Ford
Gordon Ford,Gwen Ford |
Landscaper Gordon Ford, working in the tradition of Ellis Stones and Edna Walling, is recognised as one of the Australia's leading landscape designers. This volume illustrates his mastery of the natu… |
OL28767746W |
Radical Landscapes
Jane Amidon |
"Landscape architecture today is one of the most active and revolutionary areas of design. With environmental awareness at an all-time high, landscape designers are reshaping man-made surroundings, f… |
OL4554695W |